Christine E Webb
Christine E Webb
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Moving on or digging deeper: Regulatory mode and interpersonal conflict resolution.
CE Webb, PT Coleman, M Rossignac-Milon, SJ Tomasulo, ET Higgins
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 112 (4), 621–641, 2017
Stepping forward together: Could walking facilitate interpersonal conflict resolution?
CE Webb, M Rossignac-Milon, ET Higgins
American Psychologist 72 (4), 374-385, 2017
Long-term consistency in chimpanzee consolation behaviour reflects empathetic personalities
CE Webb, T Romero, B Franks, FBM de Waal
Nature Communications 8 (292), 1-8, 2017
Visual cues given by humans are not sufficient for Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) to find hidden food
JM Plotnik, JJ Pokorny, T Keratimanochaya, CE Webb, HF Beronja, ...
PloS one 8 (4), e61174, 2013
Self-protection as an adaptive female strategy
JF Benenson, CE Webb, RW Wrangham
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45, e128, 2022
Individual differences in chimpanzee reconciliation relate to social switching behaviour
CE Webb, B Franks, T Romero, ET Higgins, FBM De Waal
Animal Behaviour 90, 57-63, 2014
Animal ethics and behavioral science: an overdue discussion
CE Webb, P Woodford, E Huchard
BioScience 69 (10), 778-788, 2019
Do chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) console a bereaved mother?
Z Goldsborough, EJC Van Leeuwen, KWT Kolff, FBM de Waal, CE Webb
Primates 61, 93-102, 2020
An inversion effect modified by expertise in capuchin monkeys
JJ Pokorny, CE Webb, FBM de Waal
Animal Cognition 14 (6), 839-846, 2011
Jealous behavior in chimpanzees elicited by social intruders
CE Webb, K Kolff, X Du, F de Waal
Affective Science 1, 199-207, 2020
Conventional science will not do justice to nonhuman interests: A fresh approach is required
B Franks, C Webb, M Gagliano, B Smuts
Animal Sentience 4 (27), 17, 2020
Fellatio among male sanctuary-living chimpanzees during a period of social tension
JS Brooker, CE Webb, Z Clay
Behaviour 158 (1), 77-87, 2020
Zoo-housed female chimpanzee adopts local female-specific tradition upon immigrating into a new group
Z Goldsborough, CE Webb, FBM de Waal, EJC Van Leeuwen
Behaviour 158 (6), 547-564, 2021
The study that made rats jump for joy, and then killed them
C Webb, P Woodford, E Huchard
BioEssays 42 (6), 2000030, 2020
11 Un-tabooing empathy
C Webb, B Franks, M Gagliano, B Smuts
Conversations on Empathy, 216, 2023
Primate empathy: A flexible and multi-componential phenomenon
JS Brooker, CE Webb, Z Clay
PsyArXiv, 2021
Comparative perspectives of empathy development: insights from chimpanzees and bonobos
Z Clay, CE Webb, T Romero, F de Waal
Friend or foe: Reconciliation between males and females in wild chacma baboons
CE Webb, A Baniel, G Cowlishaw, E Huchard
Animal Behaviour 151, 145-155, 2019
Situating the study of jealousy in the context of social relationships
CE Webb, F de Waal
Animal Sentience 3 (22), 22, 2018
Motivations for reconciliation: Regulatory mode, individual differences, and evolutionary considerations
CE Webb
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Articles 1–20