Malcolm Campbell
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Cited by
Reducing health inequity for Māori people in New Zealand
M Hobbs, A Ahuriri-Driscoll, L Marek, M Campbell, M Tomintz, S Kingham
The Lancet 394 (10209), 1613-1614, 2019
Close proximity to alcohol outlets is associated with increased serious violent crime in New Zealand
P Day, G Breetzke, S Kingham, M Campbell
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 36 (1), 48-54, 2012
Shaking for innovation: The (re) building of a (smart) city in a post disaster environment
L Marek, M Campbell, L Bui
Cities 63, 41-50, 2017
The good, the bad, and the environment: developing an area-based measure of access to health-promoting and health-constraining environments in New Zealand
L Marek, M Hobbs, J Wiki, S Kingham, M Campbell
International Journal of Health Geographics 20, 1-20, 2021
Disrupting the regional housing market: Airbnb in New Zealand
M Campbell, H McNair, M Mackay, HC Perkins
Regional Studies, Regional Science 6 (1), 139-142, 2019
Accessibility to food retailers and socio‐economic deprivation in urban New Zealand
J Wiki, S Kingham, M Campbell
New Zealand Geographer 75 (1), 3-11, 2019
Unhealthy environments are associated with adverse mental health and psychological distress: cross-sectional evidence from nationally representative data in New Zealand
M Hobbs, S Kingham, J Wiki, L Marek, M Campbell
Preventive Medicine 145, 106416, 2021
National movement patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand: the unexplored role of neighbourhood deprivation
M Campbell, L Marek, J Wiki, M Hobbs, CE Sabel, J McCarthy, S Kingham
J Epidemiol Community Health, 2021
Close proximity to alcohol outlets is associated with increased crime and hazardous drinking: Pooled nationally representative data from New Zealand
M Hobbs, L Marek, J Wiki, M Campbell, BY Deng, H Sharpe, J McCarthy, ...
Health & Place 65, 102397, 2020
A spatial microsimulation approach to economic policy analysis in Scotland
M Campbell, D Ballas
Regional Science Policy & Practice 5 (3), 263-289, 2013
SimAlba: A spatial microsimulation approach to the analysis of health inequalities
M Campbell, D Ballas
Frontiers in public health 4, 215977, 2016
Reconsidering movement and exposure: Towards a more dynamic health geography
M Campbell, L Marek, M Hobbs
Geography Compass 15 (6), e12566, 2021
Household crowding associated with childhood otitis media hospitalisations in New Zealand
C Bowie, AL Pearson, M Campbell, R Barnett
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 38 (3), 211-215, 2014
Mortality inequalities: Scotland versus England and Wales
M Campbell, D Ballas, D Dorling, R Mitchell
Health & place 23, 179-186, 2013
Understanding vulnerability to COVID-19 in New Zealand: a nationwide cross-sectional study
J Wiki, L Marek, M Hobbs, S Kingham, M Campbell
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 51 (sup1), S179-S196, 2021
Revealing regional regeneration projects in three small towns in Aotearoa—New Zealand
HC Perkins, M Mackay, D Levy, M Campbell, N Taylor, R Hills, K Johnston
New Zealand Geographer 75 (3), 140-151, 2019
Variation in health and social equity in the spaces where we live: A review of previous literature from the GeoHealth Laboratory
C Bowie, P Beere, E Griffin, M Campbell, S Kingham
New Zealand Sociology 28 (3), 164, 2013
Area-level deprivation, childhood dental ambulatory sensitive hospitalizations and community water fluoridation: evidence from New Zealand
M Hobbs, A Wade, P Jones, L Marek, M Tomintz, K Sharma, J McCarthy, ...
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2020
Investigating the prevalence of non-fluoride toothpaste use in adults and children using nationally representative data from New Zealand: a cross-sectional study
M Hobbs, L Marek, R Clarke, J McCarthy, M Tomintz, A Wade, ...
British Dental Journal 228 (4), 269-276, 2020
A Geospatial Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and the Food Environment in Urban New Zealand
J Wiki, S Kingham, M Campbell
Social Science & Medicine, 113231, 2020
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Articles 1–20