Joseph Johnson
Cited by
Cited by
Is corporate tax aggressiveness a reputation threat? Corporate accountability, corporate social responsibility, and corporate tax behavior
L Baudot, JA Johnson, A Roberts, RW Roberts
Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2), 197-215, 2020
The influence of firms' emissions management strategy disclosures on investors' valuation judgments
JA Johnson, J Theis, A Vitalis, D Young
Contemporary Accounting Research 37 (2), 642-664, 2020
CEO (in) activism and investor decisions
MT Durney, JA Johnson, RK Sinha, D Young
Contemporary accounting research, 2020
Prioritizing sustainability issues: Insights from corporate managers about key decision-makers, reporting models, and stakeholder communications
JA Johnson, SG Sutton, JC Theis
Accounting and the Public Interest 20 (1), 28-60, 2020
The influence of performance reporting attributes on managers' capital allocation decisions: An examination of reporting audience and location
JA Johnson
Journal of Financial Reporting 4 (1), 117-139, 2019
Your emissions or mine? Examining how emissions management strategies, ESG performance, and targets impact investor perceptions
JA Johnson, JC Theis, A Vitalis, D Young
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 1-19, 2022
Investigating the interactive effects of prosocial actions, construal, and moral identity on the extent of employee reporting dishonesty
JA Johnson, PR Martin, B Stikeleather, D Young
Journal of business ethics 181 (3), 721-743, 2022
Sustainability: what is it and why should accountants care?
J Hales, J Johnson
The CPA Journal 85 (4), 12, 2015
Is more always better? An experimental examination of the effects of feedback frequency, narcissistic oversensitivity, and growth mindset on performance accuracy
JA Johnson, K Kelly, W Olczak
Contemporary Accounting Research, 2024
The Politics of Climate Change in Accounting Disclosures: Evidence from Juror Judgments
MT Durney, JA Johnson, RC Warne
Available at SSRN 4180995, 2022
Greenhouse Gas Disclosure Research Summary and Research Question Outline
J Johnson, J Theis, A Vitalis, D Young
Accountability in a Sustainable World Quarterly, 2022
Your Emissions or Mine? Examining How Emissions Management Strategies, CSR Performance, and Targets Attract Equity Capital
JA Johnson, J Theis, A Vitalis, D Young
Examining How Emissions Management Strategies, CSR Performance, and Targets …, 2020
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Articles 1–12