Satoru Nakagawa he/him
Cited by
Cited by
Pedestrians' normal walking speed and speed when crossing a street
J Montufar, J Arango, M Porter, S Nakagawa
Transportation research record 2002 (1), 90-97, 2007
Toward a non-extractive research ethics for transcultural, translingual research: perspectives from the coloniser and the colonised
S Kouritzin, S Nakagawa
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 39 (8), 675-687, 2018
Pre-service teacher beliefs about foreign language teaching and learning
SG Kouritzin, NAC Piquemal, S Nakagawa
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 28 (3), 220-237, 2007
The combined effects of on-road and simulator training with feedback on older drivers' on-road performance: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial
E Sawula, J Polgar, MM Porter, S Gagnon, B Weaver, S Nakagawa, ...
Traffic injury prevention 19 (3), 241-249, 2018
The normal walking speed of pedestrians and how fast they walk when crossing the street
J Montufar, J Arango, M Porter, S Nakagawa
Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC 250, 1-16, 2007
Indigenous Research Methodology and the Indigenous Academic
S Nakagawa
Canadian Journal of Native Studies 37 (1), 95-115, 2017
Identities of resignation: Threats to indigenous languages from neoliberal linguistic and educational practices
S Nakagawa, S Kouritzin
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 20 (5), 296-310, 2021
The present tense [ions] of English in one local context in Japan
S Nakagawa, SS Kouritzin
Critical Inquiry in language studies 8 (1), 53-71, 2011
Coda: The incommensurability of English language Pedagog [uer] y and sustainability—Spirits and protein
S Nakagawa
TESOL and Sustainability: English language teaching in the anthropocene Era …, 2020
Gigification of English language instructor work in higher education: Precarious employment and magic time
SG Kouritzin, TF Ellis, AZ Ghazani, S Nakagawa
TESOL Quarterly 57 (4), 1518-1544, 2023
Auto-decolonisation: Lifelong education for decolonisation
S Nakagawa
International Journal of Lifelong Education 40 (4), 359-371, 2021
Neoliberal Sleight of Hand in a University Strategic Plan: Weaponized Sustainability, Strategic Absences, and Magic Time.
SG Kouritzin, S Nakagawa, E Kolomic, TF Ellis
Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 2021
The quest of Shiman-chu: Questioning the absolutes of language, culture, and Being
S Nakagawa
University of Alberta (Canada), 2013
Accord or discord: Returning to oral traditions
S Nakagawa
Canadian Journal of Native Studies 27 (2), 447-473, 2007
Linguistic ecosystems for foreign-language learning in Canada and Japan: An international comparison of where language-learning beliefs come from
S Kouritzin, S Nakagawa
Alberta Journal of Educational Research 57 (3), 244-257, 2011
Information and wisdom in the practice of knowledge
S Nakagawa
Journal of contemporary issues in education 3 (2), 2008
Academic dignity: Countering the emotional experience of academia
SG Kouritzin, E Kolomic, T Ellis, S Nakagawa
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 2020
Speeding and speed modification of older drivers: does vehicle type make a difference?
AW Cull, MM Porter, S Nakagawa, GA Smith, MJ Rapoport, SC Marshall, ...
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 39 (3), 385-392, 2020
Toward a sustainable, non-extractive research ethics for cross cultural, cross-linguistic research
S Kouritzin, S Nakagawa
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 39 (8), 675-687, 2018
The decline of the myopic American imperial project, the ‘Great Experiment’for education, and a conversation beyond the boundaries
JL Kachur
Globalisation, Societies and Education 6 (4), 367-408, 2008
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Articles 1–20