Pieter de Vries
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring communities of inquiry in massive open online courses
V Kovanović, S Joksimović, O Poquet, T Hennis, I Čukić, P De Vries, ...
Computers & Education 119, 44-58, 2018
Social presence in massive open online courses
O Poquet, V Kovanović, P de Vries, T Hennis, S Joksimović, D Gašević, ...
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 19 (3), 2018
Modeling learners’ social centrality and performance through language and discourse
N Dowell, O Skrypnyk, S Joksimovic, A Graesser, S Dawson, D Gasevic, ...
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on educational data mining …, 2015
Examining communities of inquiry in Massive Open Online Courses: The role of study strategies
V Kovanović, S Joksimović, O Poquet, T Hennis, P de Vries, M Hatala, ...
The Internet and Higher Education 40, 20-43, 2019
Supporting informal learning at the workplace
H Lukosch, P de Vries
International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC) 2 (3), 39-44, 2009
Preparing for an interconnected future: Policy options for telecommunications in education
B Collis, W Veen, P De Vries
Educational Technology 33 (1), 17-24, 1993
Microtraining as a support mechanism for informal learning
P De Vries, S Brall
Elearningpapers of Elearningeuropa, on: http://www. elearningpapers. eu, 2008
Reconsidering Retention in MOOCs: the Relevance of Formal Assessment and Pedagogy
O Skrypnyk, T Hennis, P De Vries
Proceedings EMOOCs conference 2015, 168-173, 2015
Telematics in education: the European case
W Veen, B Collis, P De Vries, F Vogelzang
Academic Book Centre, 1994
Emerging technologies in engineering education: can we make it work?
P De Vries, R Klaassen, A Kamp
Proceedings of the 13th International CDIO Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada …, 2017
Knowledge workers and the realm of social tagging
R Boeije, GL Kolfschoten, P de Vries, W Veen
2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2009
The Ethical Dimension of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Education
P de Vries, 2022
Gender and diversity in engineering MOOCs, a first appraisal
S Ihsen, Y Jeanrenaud, P De Vries, T Hennis
Sol Energy 16, 6-12, 2013
Understanding the relationship between technology use and cognitive presence in MOOCs
V Kovanović, S Joksimović, O Poquet, T Hennis, S Dawson, D Gašević, ...
Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge …, 2017
Tipping your toe in the ‘Emerging Technologies’ pond from an educational point of view
R Klaassen, P de Vries, MG Ioannides, SA Papazis
Proc. 45th SEFI Conference Education Excellence for Sustainability, 1190-1198, 2017
Leege. T.: Final Report WP 1: Baumärkte und Lernen: eine Bedarfsanalyse. Reload project
P De Vries
DE/07/LLP-LdV/TOI/147058. Leonardo Project European Union, 2008
The WebLabs of the University of Cambridge: A study of securing remote instrumentation
T Richter, R Watson, S Kassavetis, M Kraft, P Grube, D Boehringer, ...
2012 9th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual …, 2012
A practical approach for applying online remote experiments: OnPReX
S Khachadorian, H Scheel, P de Vries, C Thomsen
European Journal of Engineering Education 36 (1), 21-34, 2011
Who is the learner: Profiling the engineering mooc student
T Hennis, S Topolovec, O Poquet, P de Vries
SEFI 44th Annual Conference, Tampere, Finland. URL: http://www. sefi. be …, 2016
A contemporary educational model for lifelong learning practices
P De Vries, MED van den Bogaard
European continuing engineering education: conceptualizing the lessons …, 2009
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Articles 1–20