Anna Lupon
Anna Lupon
Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC)
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Groundwater inflows control patterns and sources of greenhouse gas emissions from streams
A Lupon, BA Denfeld, H Laudon, J Leach, J Karlsson, RA Sponseller
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (4), 1545-1557, 2019
Riparian corridors: A new conceptual framework for assessing nitrogen buffering across biomes
G Pinay, S Bernal, BW Abbott, A Lupon, E Marti, F Sabater, S Krause
Frontiers in Environmental Science 6, 47, 2018
Drought alters the biogeochemistry of boreal stream networks
L Gómez-Gener, A Lupon, H Laudon, RA Sponseller
Nature Communications 11 (1), 1795, 2020
Soil water content drives spatiotemporal patterns of CO2 and N2O emissions from a Mediterranean riparian forest soil
S Poblador, A Lupon, S Sabaté, F Sabater
Biogeosciences 14 (18), 4195-4208, 2017
Riparian and in-stream controls on nutrient concentrations and fluxes in a headwater forested stream
S Bernal, A Lupon, M Ribot, F Sabater, E Martí
Biogeosciences 12 (6), 1941-1954, 2015
Green light: Gross primary production influences seasonal stream N export by controlling fine‐scale N dynamics
A Lupon, E Martí, F Sabater, S Bernal
Ecology 97 (1), 133-144, 2016
Behind the scenes: mechanisms regulating climatic patterns of dissolved organic carbon uptake in headwater streams
N Catalán, JP Casas‐Ruiz, MI Arce, M Abril, AG Bravo, R Del Campo, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32 (10), 1528-1541, 2018
Decoupling of dissolved organic matter patterns between stream and riparian groundwater in a headwater forested catchment
S Bernal, A Lupon, N Catalán, S Castelar, E Martí
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (3), 1897-1910, 2018
The influence of riparian evapotranspiration on stream hydrology and nitrogen retention in a subhumid Mediterranean catchment
A Lupon, S Bernal, S Poblador, E Martí, F Sabater
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 3831-3842, 2016
Supply, demand, and in-stream retention of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate during storms in Mediterranean forested headwater streams
S Bernal, A Lupon, WM Wollheim, F Sabater, S Poblador, E Marti
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 60, 2019
Contribution of pulses of soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification to soil nitrogen availability in three Mediterranean forests
A Lupon, F Sabater, A Miñarro, S Bernal
European Journal of Soil Science 67 (3), 303-313, 2016
Climate response of the soil nitrogen cycle in three forest types of a headwater Mediterranean catchment
A Lupon, S Gerber, F Sabater, S Bernal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120 (5), 859-875, 2015
Interactions between microplastics and benthic biofilms in fluvial ecosystems: Knowledge gaps and future trends
H Guasch, S Bernal, D Bruno, BC Almroth, J Cochero, N Corcoll, ...
Freshwater Science 41 (3), 442-458, 2022
Heterogeneous CO2 and CH4 patterns across space and time in a small boreal lake
BA Denfeld, A Lupon, RA Sponseller, H Laudon, J Karlsson
Inland Waters 10 (3), 348-359, 2020
Towards women-inclusive ecology: Representation, behavior, and perception of women at an international conference
A Lupon, P Rodríguez-Lozano, M Bartrons, A Anadon-Rosell, M Batalla, ...
PloS One 16 (12), e0260163, 2021
Discrete groundwater inflows influence patterns of nitrogen uptake in a boreal headwater stream
A Lupon, BA Denfeld, H Laudon, J Leach, RA Sponseller
Freshwater Science 39 (2), 228-240, 2020
Riparian evapotranspiration is essential to simulate streamflow dynamics and water budgets in a Mediterranean catchment
A Lupon, JLJ Ledesma, S Bernal
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (7), 4033-4045, 2018
Stream metabolism sources a large fraction of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in two hydrologically contrasting headwater streams
S Bernal, MJ Cohen, JLJ Ledesma, L Kirk, E Martí, A Lupon
Limnology and Oceanography 67 (12), 2621-2634, 2022
Wastewater treatment plant effluent inputs influence the temporal variability of nutrient uptake in an intermittent stream
S Castelar, S Bernal, M Ribot, SN Merbt, M Tobella, F Sabater, ...
Urban Ecosystems 25 (4), 1313-1326, 2022
The influence of the invasive alien nitrogen-fixing Robinia pseudoacacia L. on soil nitrogen availability in a mixed Mediterranean riparian forest
S Poblador, A Lupon, E Martí, F Sabater, S Sabaté, S Bernal
European Journal of Forest Research 138, 1083-1093, 2019
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Articles 1–20