Rob Williams
Rob Williams
Oceans Initiative
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Estimating relative energetic costs of human disturbance to killer whales (Orcinus orca)
R Williams, D Lusseau, PS Hammond
Biological Conservation 133 (3), 301-311, 2006
Behavioural responses of killer whales (Orcinus orca) to whale-watching boats: opportunistic observations and experimental approaches
R Williams, AW Trites, DE Bain
Journal of Zoology 256 (2), 255-270, 2002
Impacts of anthropogenic noise on marine life: Publication patterns, new discoveries, and future directions in research and management
R Williams, AJ Wright, E Ashe, LK Blight, R Bruintjes, R Canessa, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 115, 17-24, 2015
Vessel traffic disrupts the foraging behavior of southern resident killer whales Orcinus orca
D Lusseau, DE Bain, R Williams, JC Smith
Endangered Species Research 6 (3), 211-221, 2009
Linking effects of anthropogenic debris to ecological impacts
MA Browne, AJ Underwood, MG Chapman, R Williams, RC Thompson, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1807), 20142929, 2015
Underestimating the damage: interpreting cetacean carcass recoveries in the context of the Deepwater Horizon/BP incident
R Williams, S Gero, L Bejder, J Calambokidis, SD Kraus, D Lusseau, ...
Conservation Letters 4 (3), 228-233, 2011
Mapping cumulative noise from shipping to inform marine spatial planning
C Erbe, A MacGillivray, R Williams
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (5), EL423-EL428, 2012
A killer whale social network is vulnerable to targeted removals
R Williams, D Lusseau
Biology Letters 2 (4), 497-500, 2006
Behavioural responses of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to whalewatching boats near Isla de la Plata, Machalilla National Park, Ecuador
M Scheidat, C Castro, J Gonzalez, R Williams
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 6 (1), 63-68, 2004
Behavioural responses of male killer whales to aleapfrogging'vessel
R Williams, DE Bain, JKB Ford, AW Trites
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 4 (3), 305-310, 2002
Meta-analyses of whale-watching impact studies: differences and similarities in disturbance responses among species
V Senigaglia, F Christiansen, L Bejder, D Gendron, DJ Lundquist, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 542, 251-263, 2016
Global Coverage of Cetacean Line-Transect Surveys: Status Quo, Data Gaps and Future Challenges
K Kaschner, NJ Quick, R Jewell, R Williams, CM Harris
PLoS One 7 (9), e44075, 2012
Modeling distribution and abundance of Antarctic baleen whales using ships of opportunity
R Williams, SL Hedley, PS Hammond
Ecology and Society 11 (1), 1, 2006
Parallel influence of climate on the behaviour of Pacific killer whales and Atlantic bottlenose dolphins
D Lusseau, R Williams, B Wilson, K Grellier, TR Barton, PS Hammond, ...
Ecology Letters 7 (11), 1068-1076, 2004
Evaluating anthropogenic threats to endangered killer whales to inform effective recovery plans
RC Lacy, R Williams, E Ashe, KC Balcomb III, LJN Brent, CW Clark, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 14119, 2017
Marine mammals and debris in coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada
R Williams, E Ashe, PD O'Hara
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (6), 1303-1316, 2011
Distribution and abundance of marine mammals in the coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada
R Williams, L Thomas
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 9 (1), 15, 2007
Competing conservation objectives for predators and prey: estimating killer whale prey requirements for Chinook salmon
R Williams, M Krkošek, E Ashe, TA Branch, S Clark, PS Hammond, E Hoyt, ...
PloS one 6 (11), e26738, 2011
Modelling ship strike risk to fin, humpback and killer whales in British Columbia, Canada
R Williams, P O'Hara
Journal of cetacean research and management 11 (1), 1-8, 2010
Swimming speed, respiration rate, and estimated cost of transport in adult killer whales
R Williams, DP Noren
Marine Mammal Science 25 (2), 327-350, 2009
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Articles 1–20