Shinichi Nagata
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Cited by
Steps toward participatory design of social robots: Mutual learning with older adults with depression
HR Lee, S Šabanović, WL Chang, S Nagata, J Piatt, C Bennett, D Hakken
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2017
Problematic secondary health conditions among adults with spinal cord injury and its impact on social participation and daily life
JA Piatt, S Nagata, M Zahl, J Li, JP Rosenbluth
The journal of spinal cord medicine 39 (6), 693-698, 2016
More than just friends: in-home use and design recommendations for sensing socially assistive robots (SARs) by older adults with depression
N Randall, CC Bennett, S Šabanović, S Nagata, L Eldridge, S Collins, ...
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics 10 (1), 237-255, 2019
A robot a day keeps the blues away
CC Bennett, S Sabanovic, JA Piatt, S Nagata, L Eldridge, N Randall
2017 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 536-540, 2017
Changing identity through sport: The Paralympic sport club experience among adolescents with mobility impairments
J Piatt, S Kang, MS Wells, S Nagata, J Hoffman, J Taylor
Disability and health journal 11 (2), 262-266, 2018
A pilot study of exclusivity of athletic identity among wheelchair rugby players
S Nagata
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 43 (4), 320-331, 2014
Emotional states associated with being in the community and being with others among individuals with serious mental illnesses.
S Nagata, B McCormick, E Brusilovskiy, Y Zisman-Ilani, S Wilson, ...
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 91 (1), 1, 2021
Physical Activity as Treatment for Depression in Recreation Therapy: Transitioning from Research to Practice
S Nagata, BP McCormick, DR Austin
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 54 (1), 2020
Leisure behavior and sense of coherence in the context of depression
S Nagata, B McCormick, J Piatt
Journal of community psychology 48 (2), 283-301, 2020
Companionship with a robot? Therapists’ perspectives on socially assistive robots as therapeutic interventions in community mental health for older adults
J Piatt, S Nagata, S Šabanović, WL Cheng, C Bennett, HR Lee, D Hakken
American Journal of Recreation Therapy 15 (4), 29-39, 2016
The impact of decreased capacity to experience pleasure on Leisure coping strategies among individuals with major depressive disorder
S Nagata, B McCormick, J Piatt
Leisure Sciences 44 (1), 36-54, 2022
Community Participation Differences Between Adults With or Without Serious Mental Illness
S Nagata, G Townley, E Brusilovskiy, MS Salzer
Psychiatric Services 71 (11), 1191-1194, 2020
Depressive symptoms and community participation among individuals with serious mental illnesses.
S Nagata, B McCormick, E Brusilovskiy, G Snethen, G Townley, ...
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 91 (5), 598, 2021
Community participation as a predictor of depressive symptoms among individuals with serious mental illnesses
S Nagata, B McCormick, E Brusilovskiy, MS Salzer
International Journal of Social Psychiatry 68 (8), 1689-1697, 2022
Sensing Companions: Potential Clinical Uses of Robot Sensor Data for Home Care of Older Adults with Depression
S Collins, S Ŝabanović, M Fraune, N Randall, L Eldridge, JA Piatt, ...
Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2018
The effect of leisure coping on depressive symptoms among individuals with depression: examination of potential confounding effects of physical activity and extraversion
S Nagata, B McCormick, J Piatt
Psychology, health & medicine 24 (6), 654-666, 2019
Understanding leisure’s impacts on sources of life worth living: a multi-domain approach
S Kono, S Nagata
Leisure Studies 41 (3), 310-325, 2022
Depression and leisure-based meaning-making: anhedonia as a mediating factor
S Nagata, S Kono
Leisure Studies 41 (2), 214-230, 2022
Identifying leisure education topics for university student well-being: A Delphi study
S Kono, S Nagata, J Dattilo, SJ Cho
Journal of Leisure Research 55 (2), 231-249, 2024
Relationships between leisure and life worth living: a content analysis of photographic data
S Kono, S Nagata, J Gui
Annals of Leisure Research 27 (2), 236-252, 2024
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Articles 1–20