Graham H. Carey
Graham H. Carey
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Cited by
Hybrid passivated colloidal quantum dot solids
AH Ip, SM Thon, S Hoogland, O Voznyy, D Zhitomirsky, R Debnath, ...
Nature nanotechnology 7 (9), 577-582, 2012
Colloidal quantum dot solar cells
GH Carey, AL Abdelhady, Z Ning, SM Thon, OM Bakr, EH Sargent
Chemical reviews 115 (23), 12732-12763, 2015
Air-stable n-type colloidal quantum dot solids
Z Ning, O Voznyy, J Pan, S Hoogland, V Adinolfi, J Xu, M Li, AR Kirmani, ...
Nature materials 13 (8), 822-828, 2014
Efficient spray-coated colloidal quantum dot solar cells
IJ Kramer, JC Minor, G Moreno-Bautista, LR Rollny, P Kanjanaboos, ...
Wiley, 2014
Record charge carrier diffusion length in colloidal quantum dot solids via mutual dot-to-dot surface passivation
GH Carey, L Levina, R Comin, O Voznyy, EH Sargent
Wiley, 2015
Directly deposited quantum dot solids using a colloidally stable nanoparticle ink
A Fischer, L Rollny, J Pan, GH Carey, SM Thon, S Hoogland, O Voznyy, ...
advanced materials 25 (40), 5742-5749, 2013
Effect of solvent environment on colloidal‐quantum‐dot solar‐cell manufacturability and performance
AR Kirmani, GH Carey, M Abdelsamie, B Yan, D Cha, LR Rollny, X Cui, ...
Advanced Materials 26 (27), 4717-4723, 2014
Role of bond adaptability in the passivation of colloidal quantum dot solids
SM Thon, AH Ip, O Voznyy, L Levina, KW Kemp, GH Carey, S Masala, ...
ACS nano 7 (9), 7680-7688, 2013
Lithium loss mechanisms during synthesis of layered LixNi2− xO2 for lithium ion batteries
E McCalla, GH Carey, JR Dahn
Solid State Ionics 219, 11-19, 2012
Studies of Si1− x C x Electrode Materials Prepared by High-Energy Mechanical Milling and Combinatorial Sputter Deposition
A Timmons, ADW Todd, SD Mead, GH Carey, RJ Sanderson, RE Mar, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154 (9), A865-A874, 2007
The complete in‐gap electronic structure of colloidal quantum dot solids and its correlation with electronic transport and photovoltaic performance
K Katsiev, AH Ip, A Fischer, I Tanabe, X Zhang, AR Kirmani, O Voznyy, ...
Advanced Materials 26 (6), 937-942, 2014
Materials processing strategies for colloidal quantum dot solar cells: advances, present-day limitations, and pathways to improvement
GH Carey, KW Chou, B Yan, AR Kirmani, A Amassian, EH Sargent
Mrs Communications 3 (2), 83-90, 2013
Implications of partial tryptic digestion in organic–aqueous solvent systems for bottom-up proteome analysis
MJ Wall, AMJ Crowell, GA Simms, F Liu, AA Doucette
Analytica chimica acta 703 (2), 194-203, 2011
Electronically active impurities in colloidal quantum dot solids
GH Carey, IJ Kramer, P Kanjanaboos, G Moreno-Bautista, O Voznyy, ...
Acs Nano 8 (11), 11763-11769, 2014
Combinatorial synthesis of mixed transition metal oxides for lithium-ion batteries
GH Carey, JR Dahn
ACS combinatorial science 13 (2), 186-189, 2011
A donor-supply electrode (DSE) for colloidal quantum dot photovoltaics
GI Koleilat, X Wang, AJ Labelle, AH Ip, GH Carey, A Fischer, L Levina, ...
Nano letters 11 (12), 5173-5178, 2011
Cleavable ligands enable uniform close packing in colloidal quantum dot solids
GH Carey, M Yuan, R Comin, O Voznyy, EH Sargent
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (39), 21995-22000, 2015
A Surface Chemistry Approach to Enhancing Colloidal Quantum Dot Solids for Photovoltaics
GH Carey
University of Toronto (Canada), 2015
Implications of partial tryptic digestion in organic-aqueous solvent systems for bottom-up proteome analysis [Erratum to document cited in CA155: 478188].
MJ Wall, AMJ Crowell, GA Simms, GH Carey, F Liu, AA Doucette
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012
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Articles 1–19