T Kirubarajan
T Kirubarajan
Distinguished Engineering Professor and Canada Research Chair in Information Fusion
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Estimation with applications to tracking and navigation: theory algorithms and software
Y Bar-Shalom, XR Li, T Kirubarajan
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
Ground target tracking with variable structure IMM estimator
T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom, KR Pattipati, I Kadar
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 36 (1), 26-46, 2000
Probabilistic data association techniques for target tracking in clutter
T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom
Proceedings of the IEEE 92 (3), 536-557, 2004
IMMPDAF for radar management and tracking benchmark with ECM
T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom, WD Blair, GA Watson
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 34 (4), 1115-1134, 1998
Performance limits of track-to-track fusion versus centralized estimation: theory and application [sensor fusion]
H Chen, T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 39 (2), 386-400, 2003
Low observable target motion analysis using amplitude information
T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 32 (4), 1367-1384, 1996
Multisensor resource deployment using posterior Cramér-Rao bounds
ML Hernandez, T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 40 (2), 399-416, 2004
Multiple-model probability hypothesis density filter for tracking maneuvering targets
K Punithakumar, T Kirubarajan, A Sinha
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 44 (1), 87-98, 2008
Benchmark for radar allocation and tracking in ECM
WD Blair, GA Watson, T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 34 (4), 1097-1114, 1998
Comparison of EKF, pseudomeasurement, and particle filters for a bearing-only target tracking problem
X Lin, T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom, S Maskell
Signal and data processing of small targets 2002 4728, 240-250, 2002
Kalman filter versus IMM estimator: when do we need the latter?
T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 39 (4), 1452-1457, 2003
A multiple-detection joint probabilistic data association filter
B Habtemariam, R Tharmarasa, T Thayaparan, M Mallick, T Kirubarajan
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 7 (3), 461-471, 2013
Exact multisensor dynamic bias estimation with local tracks
X Lin, Y Bar-Shalom, T Kirubarajan
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 40 (2), 576-590, 2004
Multisensor multitarget bias estimation for general asynchronous sensors
X Lin, Y Bar-Shalom, T Kirubarajan
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 41 (3), 899-921, 2005
Precision large scale air traffic surveillance using IMM/assignment estimators
H Wang, T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 35 (1), 255-266, 1999
Track labeling and PHD filter for multitarget tracking
L Lin, Y Bar-Shalom, T Kirubarajan
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 42 (3), 778-795, 2006
Joint node selection and power allocation strategy for multitarget tracking in decentralized radar networks
M Xie, W Yi, T Kirubarajan, L Kong
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (3), 729-743, 2017
Tracking with classification-aided multiframe data association
Y Bar-Shalom, T Kirubarajan, C Gokberk
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic systems 41 (3), 868-878, 2005
Survey of Assignment Techniques for Multitarget Tracking: Multitarget-Multisensor Tracking
KR Pattipati
Applications and Advances, 77-159, 2000
Multiassignment for tracking a large number of overlapping objects [and application to fibroblast cells]
T Kirubarajan, Y Bar-Shalom, KR Pattipati
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 37 (1), 2-21, 2001
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Articles 1–20