Danny JJ Wang
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Recommended implementation of arterial spin‐labeled perfusion MRI for clinical applications: a consensus of the ISMRM perfusion study group and the European consortium for ASL …
DC Alsop, JA Detre, X Golay, M Günther, J Hendrikse, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 73 (1), 102-116, 2015
Perfusion functional MRI reveals cerebral blood flow pattern under psychological stress
J Wang, H Rao, GS Wetmore, PM Furlan, M Korczykowski, DF Dinges, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2005
Vascular dysfunction—the disregarded partner of Alzheimer's disease
MD Sweeney, A Montagne, AP Sagare, DA Nation, LS Schneider, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 15 (1), 158-167, 2019
Gender difference in neural response to psychological stress
J Wang, M Korczykowski, H Rao, Y Fan, J Pluta, RC Gur, BS McEwen, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 2 (3), 227, 2007
A theoretical and experimental investigation of the tagging efficiency of pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling
WC Wu, M Fernández‐Seara, JA Detre, FW Wehrli, J Wang
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2007
Empirical optimization of ASL data analysis using an ASL data processing toolbox: ASLtbx
Z Wang, GK Aguirre, H Rao, J Wang, MA Fernández-Seara, AR Childress, ...
Magnetic resonance imaging 26 (2), 261-269, 2008
Imaging brain fatigue from sustained mental workload: an ASL perfusion study of the time-on-task effect
J Lim, W Wu, J Wang, JA Detre, DF Dinges, H Rao
Neuroimage 49 (4), 3426-3435, 2010
Comparison of quantitative perfusion imaging using arterial spin labeling at 1.5 and 4.0 Tesla
J Wang, DC Alsop, L Li, J Listerud, JB Gonzalez‐At, MD Schnall, JA Detre
Magnetic resonance in medicine 48 (2), 242-254, 2002
Diffuse optical measurement of blood flow, blood oxygenation, and metabolism in a human brain during sensorimotor cortex activation
T Durduran, G Yu, MG Burnett, JA Detre, JH Greenberg, J Wang, C Zhou, ...
Optics letters 29 (15), 1766-1768, 2004
Applications of arterial spin labeled MRI in the brain
JA Detre, H Rao, DJJ Wang, YF Chen, Z Wang
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 35 (5), 1026-1037, 2012
Limbic activation to cigarette smoking cues independent of nicotine withdrawal: a perfusion fMRI study
TR Franklin, J Wang, N Sciortino, D Harper, Y Li, R Ehrman, K Kampman, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 32 (11), 2301-2309, 2007
Preoperative cerebral blood flow is diminished in neonates with severe congenital heart defects
DJ Licht, J Wang, DW Silvestre, SC Nicolson, LM Montenegro, ...
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 128 (6), 841-849, 2004
Technical aspects and utility of fMRI using BOLD and ASL
JA Detre, J Wang
Clinical Neurophysiology 113 (5), 621-634, 2002
Arterial spin labeling perfusion fMRI with very low task frequency
J Wang, GK Aguirre, DY Kimberg, AC Roc, L Li, JA Detre
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2003
Amplitude-modulated Continuous Arterial Spin-labeling 3.0-T Perfusion MR Imaging with a Single Coil: Feasibility Study1
J Wang, Y Zhang, RL Wolf, AC Roc, DC Alsop, JA Detre
Radiology 235 (1), 218, 2005
Arterial transit time imaging with flow encoding arterial spin tagging (FEAST)
J Wang, DC Alsop, HK Song, JA Maldjian, K Tang, AE Salvucci, JA Detre
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2003
Test–retest reliability of arterial spin labeling with common labeling strategies
Y Chen, DJJ Wang, JA Detre
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 33 (4), 940-949, 2011
Arterial spin-labeled perfusion MRI in basic and clinical neuroscience
JA Detre, J Wang, Z Wang, H Rao
Current opinion in neurology 22 (4), 348, 2009
Validation of diffuse correlation spectroscopy for muscle blood flow with concurrent arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI
G Yu, TF Floyd, T Durduran, C Zhou, J Wang, JA Detre, AG Yodh
Optics express 15 (3), 1064-1075, 2007
Early parental care is important for hippocampal maturation: evidence from brain morphology in humans
H Rao, L Betancourt, JM Giannetta, NL Brodsky, M Korczykowski, ...
Neuroimage 49 (1), 1144-1150, 2010
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