Amy Guo
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Cited by
Investigation of older driver's takeover performance in highly automated vehicles in adverse weather conditions
S Li, P Blythe, W Guo, A Namdeo
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 12 (9), 1157-1165, 2018
Short‐term forecasting of available parking space using wavelet neural network model
Y Ji, D Tang, P Blythe, W Guo, W Wang
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 9 (2), 202-209, 2015
Investigation of older drivers’ requirements of the human-machine interaction in highly automated vehicles
S Li, P Blythe, W Guo, A Namdeo
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 62, 546-563, 2019
Investigating the effects of age and disengagement in driving on driver’s takeover control performance in highly automated vehicles
S Li, P Blythe, W Guo, A Namdeo
Transportation planning and technology 42 (5), 470-497, 2019
Evaluation of the effects of age-friendly human-machine interfaces on the driver’s takeover performance in highly automated vehicles
S Li, P Blythe, W Guo, A Namdeo, S Edwards, P Goodman, G Hill
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 67, 78-100, 2019
Understanding drivers’ perspective on parking guidance information
Y Ji, W Guo, P Blythe, D Tang, W Wang
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 8 (4), 398-406, 2014
Fork in the road: In-vehicle navigation systems and older drivers
C Emmerson, W Guo, P Blythe, A Namdeo, S Edwards
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 21, 173-180, 2013
Tourist information delivered through mobile devices: findings from the image project
SJ Edwards, PT Blythe, S Scott, A Weihong-Guo
Information Technology & Tourism 8 (1), 31-46, 2005
Increasing mobility for older travellers through engagement with technology
J Harvey, W Guo, S Edwards
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 172-184, 2019
The application of in-vehicle systems for elderly drivers
AW Guo, JF Brake, SJ Edwards, PT Blythe, RG Fairchild
European Transport Research Review 2, 165-174, 2010
Effect of intelligent speed adaptation technology on older drivers’ driving performance
W Guo, PT Blythe, S Edwards, K Pavkova, D Brennan
IET intelligent transport systems 9 (3), 343-350, 2015
Rapid prototyping and evaluation of intelligent environments using immersive video
P Singh, HN Ha, P Olivier, C Kray, Z Kuang, AW Guo, P Blythe, P James
MODIE, 36, 2006
A randomized intervention involving family to improve communication in breast cancer care
JL Wolff, J Aufill, D Echavarria, AL Blackford, RM Connolly, JH Fetting, ...
NPJ Breast Cancer 7 (1), 14, 2021
Taming context: A key challenge in evaluating the usability of ubiquitous systems
C Kray, P Olivier, AW Guo, P Singh, HN Ha, P Blythe
Ubiquitous Systems Evaluation, 1-13, 2007
Using immersive video to evaluate future traveller information systems
A Weihong-Guo, P Blythe, P Olivier, P Singh, HN Ha
IET intelligent transport systems 2 (1), 38-46, 2008
Research on classification and influencing factors of metro commuting patterns by combining smart card data and household travel survey data
Y Ji, Y Cao, Y Liu, W Guo, L Gao
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 13 (10), 1525-1532, 2019
SHARING choices: a pilot study to engage family in advance care planning of older adults with and without cognitive impairment in the primary care context
JL Wolff, D Scerpella, K Cockey, N Hussain, T Funkhouser, D Echavarria, ...
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine® 38 (11), 1314-1321, 2021
Detection of outliers in a time series of available parking spaces
Y Ji, D Tang, W Guo, PT Blythe, G Ren
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 416267, 2013
Future traveller information systems: impacts on modal shift
AW Guo, PT Blythe, P Olivier, P Singh, HN Ha, DG Jackson, P James
ASK IT Conference, 2006
Detecting Older Drivers-Stress Level during Real-World Driving Tasks
W Guo, D Brennan, P Blythe
International Journal of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences 7 (6), 1816-1822, 2013
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Articles 1–20