Diego J Ruiz Jarrin
Diego J Ruiz Jarrin
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Variation in reef fish and invertebrate communities with level of protection from fishing across the Eastern Tropical Pacific seascape
GJ Edgar, SA Banks, S Bessudo, J Cortés, HM Guzmán, S Henderson, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 20 (5), 730-743, 2011
Oceanographic and climatic variation drive top‐down/bottom‐up coupling in the Galápagos intertidal meta‐ecosystem
LR Vinueza, BA Menge, D Ruiz, DM Palacios
Ecological Monographs 84 (3), 411-434, 2014
El Niño induced changes to the Bolivar Channel ecosystem (Galapagos): comparing model simulations with historical biomass time series
M Wolff, DJ Ruiz, M Taylor
Marine Ecology Progress Series 448, 7-22, 2012
The Bolivar Channel Ecosystem of the Galapagos Marine Reserve: Energy flow structure and role of keystone groups
DJ Ruiz, M Wolff
Journal of Sea Research 66 (2), 123-134, 2011
Elucidating fishing effects in a large-predator dominated system: the case of Darwin and Wolf Islands (Galápagos)
DJ Ruiz, S Banks, M Wolff
Journal of Sea Research 107, 1-11, 2016
Charles Darwin Foundation Galapagos Species Checklist
F Bungartz, HW Herrera, P Jaramillo, N Tirado, G Jímenez-Uzcategui, ...
Puerto Ayora, Galapagos: Charles Darwin Foundation, 2009
A review of Galápagos marine habitats and ecological processes under climate change scenarios
S Banks, G Edgar, P Glynn, A Kuhn, J Moreno, D Ruiz, A Schuhbauer, ...
Climate change vulnerability assessment of the Galápagos Islands 47, 2011
Portafolio de sitios prioritarios para la conservación dentro de la Unidad de Planificación Ecorregional Pacífico Ecuatorial: Componente marino
M Terán, F Campos, K Clark, D Ruiz, P Guarderas, P Jiménez, ...
The Nature Conservancy. Quito–Ecuador, 2004
Análisis de vacíos e identificación de áreas prioritarias para la conservación de la biodiversidad marino-costera en el Ecuador continental
MC Terán, K Clark, C Suárez, F Campos, J Denkinger, D Ruiz, P Jiménez
Resumen Ejecutivo. Ministerio del Ambiente. Quito, Ecuador, 56-71, 2006
Monitoreo ecológico de la zona costera para la evaluación de la zonificación provisional consensuada (ZPC)
S Banks, M Vera, M Toscano, D Ruiz, N Tirado
Resumen de actividades octubre, 1-34, 2004
High-Priority Areas Identification and Conservation Gap Analysis of the Marine Biodiversity from Continental Ecuador
MC Terán, K Clark, C Suárez, F Campos, J Denkinger, DY Ruiz, ...
Ministerio del Ambiente. Quito, Ecuador, 2006
Energy flow and trophic structure of Galápagos shallow rocky reef systems along a gradient of productivity and artisanal fisheries
DJR Jarrin
Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen, 2015
Evaluación Eco regional Pacífico-Ecuatorial: Componente Marino
M Terán, F Campos, K Clark, D Ruiz, P Guarderas, P Jiménez
Simbioe-Nazca, The Nature Conservancy, Quito-Ecuador, 2004
MengeBruceIntegrativeBiologyOceanographicClimaticVariation. pdf
LR Vinueza, BA Menge, D Ruiz, DM Palacios
MengeBruceIntegrativeBiologyOceanographicClimaticVariation_AppendixB. pdf
LR Vinueza, BA Menge, D Ruiz, DM Palacios
Grazing effects on tropical rocky reef communities exposed to upwelling and non-upwelling conditions in Galápagos (Ecuador)
A Krutwa, DJ Ruiz, M Wolff
Small-scale Differences in Tropical Subtidal Rocky Reef Communities of …, 2014
How resilient are Galapagos rocky reef communities to recent ENSOs?
G Edgar, S Banks, D Ruiz
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Articles 1–17