Max W.K. Law
Max W.K. Law
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital
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Cited by
Dominant local binary patterns for texture classification
S Liao, MWK Law, ACS Chung
IEEE transactions on image processing 18 (5), 1107-1118, 2009
Three dimensional curvilinear structure detection using optimally oriented flux
MWK Law, ACS Chung
Computer Vision–ECCV 2008: 10th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2008
Regional assessment of cardiac left ventricular myocardial function via MRI statistical features
M Afshin, IB Ayed, K Punithakumar, M Law, A Islam, A Goela, T Peters, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 33 (2), 481-494, 2013
Intervertebral Disc Segmentation in MR Images using Anisotropic Oriented Flux
MWK Law, KY Tay, A Leung, G Garvin, S Li
Medical Image Analysis 17 (1), 43-61, 2013
Weighted local variance-based edge detection and its application to vascular segmentation in magnetic resonance angiography
MWK Law, ACS Chung
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 26 (9), 1224-1241, 2007
An oriented flux symmetry based active contour model for three dimensional vessel segmentation
MWK Law, ACS Chung
Computer Vision–ECCV 2010: 11th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2010
Efficient implementation for spherical flux computation and its application to vascular segmentation
MWK Law, ACS Chung
IEEE transactions on image processing 18 (3), 596-612, 2009
Spine image fusion via graph cuts
B Miles, IB Ayed, MWK Law, G Garvin, A Fenster, S Li
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (7), 1841-1850, 2013
Segmentation of Intracranial Vessels and Aneurysms in Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography using Multi-Range Filters and Local Variances
M Law, A Chung
Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 22 (3), 845 – 859, 2013
Tubular anisotropy for 2d vessel segmentation
F Benmansour, LD Cohen, MWK Law, ACS Chung
2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2286-2293, 2009
A deformable surface model for vascular segmentation
MWK Law, ACS Chung
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2009
Vessel and intracranial aneurysm segmentation using multi-range filters and local variances
MWK Law, ACS Chung
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2007: 10th …, 2007
Segmentation of vessels using weighted local variances and an active contour model
WK Law
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2006
Assessment of regional myocardial function via statistical features in MR images
M Afshin, I Ben Ayed, K Punithakumar, MWK Law, A Islam, A Goela, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2011: 14th …, 2011
Minimal weighted local variance as edge detector for active contour models
WK Law, ACS Chung
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 622-632, 2006
Effects on skin dose from unwanted air gaps under bolus in an MR-guided linear accelerator (MR-linac) system
CY Huang, B Yang, WW Lam, KK Tang, TC Li, WK Law, KY Cheung, ...
Phys. Med. Biol. 66 (6), 065021, 2021
Gradient competition anisotropy for centerline extraction and segmentation of spinal cords
MWK Law, GJ Garvin, S Tummala, KY Tay, AE Leung, S Li
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 23rd International Conference …, 2013
Initial clinical experience of patient-specific QA of treatment delivery in online adaptive radiotherapy using a 1.5 T MR-Linac
B Yang, YS Wong, WW Lam, H Geng, CY Huang, KK Tang, WK Law, ...
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 7 (3), 035022, 2021
Dilated divergence based scale-space representation for curve analysis
MWK Law, KY Tay, A Leung, GJ Garvin, S Li
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2012
Vessel Extraction Method For Rotational Angiographic X-ray Sequences
KJ Kirchberg, WKM Law, C Xu
US Patent App. 12/872,039, 2011
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Articles 1–20