Rebecca Doyle
Rebecca Doyle
Other namesRebecca Batstone, Rebecca Batstone-Doyle
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Cited by
Experimental evolution makes microbes more cooperative with their local host genotype
RT Batstone, AM O’Brien, TL Harrison, ME Frederickson
Science 370 (6515), 476-478, 2020
Using niche breadth theory to explain generalization in mutualisms
RT Batstone, KA Carscadden, ME Afkhami, ME Frederickson
Ecology 99 (5), 1039-1050, 2018
Ethology of the trace fossil Chondrites: form, function and environment
A Baucon, M Bednarz, S Dufour, F Felletti, G Malgesini, CN De Carvalho, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 202, 102989, 2020
The evolution of symbiont preference traits in the model legume Medicago truncatula
RT Batstone, EM Dutton, D Wang, M Yang, ME Frederickson
New Phytologist 213 (4), 1850-1861, 2017
Magnetosome-containing bacteria living as symbionts of bivalves
SC Dufour, JR Laurich, RT Batstone, B McCuaig, A Elliott, KM Poduska
The ISME journal 8 (12), 2453-2462, 2014
Divergent chemosymbiosis-related characters in Thyasira cf. gouldi (Bivalvia: Thyasiridae)
RT Batstone, JR Laurich, F Salvo, SC Dufour
PLoS One 9 (3), e92856, 2014
Environmental variation impacts trait expression and selection in the legume–rhizobium symbiosis
RT Batstone, MAE Peters, AK Simonsen, JR Stinchcombe, ...
American Journal of Botany 107 (2), 195-208, 2020
Genomes within genomes: nested symbiosis and its implications for plant evolution
RT Batstone
New Phytologist 234 (1), 28-34, 2022
Phenotypic and genomic signatures of interspecies cooperation and conflict in naturally occurring isolates of a model plant symbiont
RT Batstone, LT Burghardt, KD Heath
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1978), 20220477, 2022
Closely related thyasirid bivalves associate with multiple symbiont phylotypes
RT Batstone, SC Dufour
Marine Ecology 37 (5), 988-997, 2016
Temporal variation in chemoautotrophic symbiont abundance in the thyasirid bivalve Thyasira cf. gouldi
JR Laurich, RT Batstone, SC Dufour
Marine biology 162, 2017-2028, 2015
Genome-wide association studies across environmental and genetic contexts reveal complex genetic architecture of symbiotic extended phenotypes
RT Batstone, H Lindgren, CM Allsup, LA Goralka, AB Riley, MA Grillo, ...
MBio 13 (6), e01823-22, 2022
Medicago truncatula adjusts root proliferation, nodule formation, and partner choice in response to local N heterogeneity
X Zhang, L Wang, J Li, RT Batstone, ME Frederickson
Plant and Soil 450, 417-428, 2020
Origins and evolution of biological novelty
KA Carscadden, RT Batstone, FE Hauser
Biological Reviews 98 (5), 1472-1491, 2023
Microbiomes: Getting to the root of the rhizobial competition problem in agriculture
RT Batstone, A Ibrahim, LT MacLean
Current Biology 33 (14), R777-R780, 2023
MGEs as the MVPs of partner quality variation in legume-rhizobium Symbiosis
KD Heath, RT Batstone, M Ceron Romero, JG McMullen
Mbio 13 (4), e00888-22, 2022
Co-inoculation with novel nodule-inhabiting bacteria reduces the benefits of legume-rhizobium symbiosis
JC Kosmopoulos, RT Doyle, KD Heath
Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2023
The evolutionary interplay between cooperation and partner choice in the model legume-rhizobium symbiosis
R Batstone
University of Toronto (Canada), 2019
The evolution of thyasirid clams (bivalvia: thyasiridae) from a subarctic fjord in Bonne Bay, Newfoundland
R Batstone
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2012
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Articles 1–19