Paul G. Davies
Paul G. Davies
Professor of Psychology, University of British Columbia
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Seeing black: race, crime, and visual processing.
JL Eberhardt, PA Goff, VJ Purdie, PG Davies
Journal of personality and social psychology 87 (6), 876, 2004
Ambient belonging: how stereotypical cues impact gender participation in computer science.
S Cheryan, VC Plaut, PG Davies, CM Steele
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (6), 1045, 2009
Stereotype threat
SJ Spencer, C Logel, PG Davies
Annual review of psychology 67 (1), 415-437, 2016
Looking deathworthy: Perceived stereotypicality of Black defendants predicts capital-sentencing outcomes
JL Eberhardt, PG Davies, VJ Purdie-Vaughns, SL Johnson
Psychological science 17 (5), 383-386, 2006
Social identity contingencies: how diversity cues signal threat or safety for African Americans in mainstream institutions.
V Purdie-Vaughns, CM Steele, PG Davies, R Ditlmann, JR Crosby
Journal of personality and social psychology 94 (4), 615, 2008
Clearing the air: identity safety moderates the effects of stereotype threat on women's leadership aspirations.
PG Davies, SJ Spencer, CM Steele
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (2), 276, 2005
Consuming images: How television commercials that elicit stereotype threat can restrain women academically and professionally
PG Davies, SJ Spencer, DM Quinn, R Gerhardstein
Personality and social psychology bulletin 28 (12), 1615-1628, 2002
The space between us: stereotype threat and distance in interracial contexts.
PA Goff, CM Steele, PG Davies
Journal of personality and social psychology 94 (1), 91, 2008
The dynamic time course of stereotype activation: Activation, dissipation, and resurrection.
Z Kunda, PG Davies, BD Adams, SJ Spencer
Journal of personality and social psychology 82 (3), 283, 2002
Differentially dangerous? Phenotypic racial stereotypicality increases implicit bias among ingroup and outgroup members
KB Kahn, PG Davies
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 14 (4), 569-580, 2011
The perils of double consciousness: The role of thought suppression in stereotype threat
C Logel, EC Iserman, PG Davies, DM Quinn, SJ Spencer
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (2), 299-312, 2009
What influences shooter bias? The effects of suspect race, neighborhood, and clothing on decisions to shoot
KB Kahn, PG Davies
Journal of Social Issues 73 (4), 723-743, 2017
Benevolent sexism, attitudes toward motherhood, and reproductive rights: A multi-study longitudinal examination of abortion attitudes
Y Huang, PG Davies, CG Sibley, D Osborne
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 (7), 970-984, 2016
A nation challenged: The impact of foreign threat on America's tolerance for diversity.
PG Davies, CM Steele, HR Markus
Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (2), 308, 2008
Selectively friending: Racial stereotypicality and social rejection
MR Hebl, MJ Williams, JM Sundermann, HJ Kell, PG Davies
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (6), 1329-1335, 2012
Stereotype threat and employment testing: A commentary
CM Steele, PG Davies
Human Performance 16 (3), 311-326, 2003
Abortion attitudes: An overview of demographic and ideological differences
D Osborne, Y Huang, NC Overall, RM Sutton, A Petterson, KM Douglas, ...
Political Psychology 43, 29-76, 2022
When Benevolence Backfires: Benevolent Sexists' Opposition to Elective and Traumatic Abortion1
D Osborne, PG Davies
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42 (2), 291-307, 2012
The precious vessel: Ambivalent sexism and opposition to elective and traumatic abortion
Y Huang, D Osborne, CG Sibley, PG Davies
Sex Roles 71, 436-449, 2014
Eyewitness identifications are affected by stereotypes about a suspect’s level of perceived stereotypicality
D Osborne, PG Davies
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 16 (4), 488-504, 2013
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