Jeff Browndyke
Jeff Browndyke
Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine & Neurosciences, Duke University Medical Center
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Cited by
Aerobic exercise and neurocognitive performance: a meta-analytic review of randomized controlled trials
PJ Smith, JA Blumenthal, BM Hoffman, H Cooper, TA Strauman, ...
Psychosomatic medicine 72 (3), 239-252, 2010
Identification of MCI individuals using structural and functional connectivity networks
CY Wee, PT Yap, D Zhang, K Denny, JN Browndyke, GG Potter, ...
Neuroimage 59 (3), 2045-2056, 2012
Effects of the dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet, exercise, and caloric restriction on neurocognition in overweight adults with high blood pressure
PJ Smith, JA Blumenthal, MA Babyak, L Craighead, KA Welsh-Bohmer, ...
Hypertension 55 (6), 1331-1338, 2010
Progress toward standardized diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairment: guidelines from the vascular impairment of cognition classification consensus study
OA Skrobot, SE Black, C Chen, C DeCarli, T Erkinjuntti, GA Ford, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 14 (3), 280-292, 2018
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction: minding the gaps in our knowledge of a common postoperative complication in the elderly
M Berger, J Nadler, J Browndyke, V Posunammy, HJ Cohen, HE Whitson, ...
Anesthesiology clinics 33 (3), 517, 2015
Applications of computer-based neuropsychological assessment
P Schatz, J Browndyke
The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation 17 (5), 395-410, 2002
Enriched white matter connectivity networks for accurate identification of MCI patients
CY Wee, PT Yap, W Li, K Denny, JN Browndyke, GG Potter, ...
Neuroimage 54 (3), 1812-1822, 2011
Neurocognitive function after cardiac surgery: from phenotypes to mechanisms
M Berger, N Terrando, SK Smith, JN Browndyke, MF Newman, JP Mathew
Anesthesiology 129 (4), 829, 2018
The vascular impairment of cognition classification consensus study
OA Skrobot, J O'Brien, S Black, C Chen, C DeCarli, T Erkinjuntti, GA Ford, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 13 (6), 624-633, 2017
Temporal lobe functional activity and connectivity in young adult APOE ɛ4 carriers
NA Dennis, JN Browndyke, J Stokes, A Need, JR Burke, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 6 (4), 303-311, 2010
State of the clinical science of perioperative brain health: report from the American Society of Anesthesiologists Brain Health Initiative Summit 2018
E Mahanna-Gabrielli, KJ Schenning, LI Eriksson, JN Browndyke, ...
British journal of anaesthesia 123 (4), 464-478, 2019
The neuropsychological profile of vascular cognitive impairment—no dementia: comparisons to patients at risk for cerebrovascular disease and vascular dementia
KD Garrett, JN Browndyke, W Whelihan, RH Paul, M DiCarlo, DJ Moser, ...
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 19 (6), 745-757, 2004
Lifestyle and neurocognition in older adults with cognitive impairments: A randomized trial
JA Blumenthal, PJ Smith, S Mabe, A Hinderliter, PH Lin, L Liao, ...
Neurology 92 (3), e212-e223, 2019
Resting-state multi-spectrum functional connectivity networks for identification of MCI patients
CY Wee, PT Yap, K Denny, JN Browndyke, GG Potter, KA Welsh-Bohmer, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e37828, 2012
Proposed standardized neurological endpoints for cardiovascular clinical trials: an academic research consortium initiative
AJ Lansky, SR Messé, AM Brickman, M Dwyer, HB van der Worp, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 69 (6), 679-691, 2017
Intraoperative frontal alpha-band power correlates with preoperative neurocognitive function in older adults
CM Giattino, JE Gardner, FM Sbahi, KC Roberts, M Cooter, E Moretti, ...
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 11, 24, 2017
Genetic regulation of α-synuclein mRNA expression in various human brain tissues
C Linnertz, L Saucier, D Ge, KD Cronin, JR Burke, JN Browndyke, ...
PloS one 4 (10), e7480, 2009
Long-term citicoline (cytidine diphosphate choline) use in patients with vascular dementia: neuroimaging and neuropsychological outcomes
RA Cohen, JN Browndyke, DJ Moser, RH Paul, N Gordon, L Sweet
Cerebrovascular Diseases 16 (3), 199-204, 2003
Perfusion abnormalities and decision making in cocaine dependence
KA Tucker, MN Potenza, JE Beauvais, JN Browndyke, PC Gottschalk, ...
Biological Psychiatry 56 (7), 527-530, 2004
Factor structure of the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Centers uniform dataset neuropsychological battery: an evaluation of invariance between and within groups over time
KM Hayden, RN Jones, C Zimmer, BL Plassman, JN Browndyke, C Pieper, ...
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 25 (2), 128-137, 2011
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Articles 1–20