Roy Chen
Roy Chen
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chair of Microeconomics, School of Business and Economics, RWTH Aachen
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Cited by
The potential of social identity for equilibrium selection
R Chen, Y Chen
American Economic Review 101 (6), 2562-2589, 2011
Rhetoric matters: A social norms explanation for the anomaly of framing
D Chang, R Chen, E Krupka
Games and Economic Behavior 116, 158-178, 2019
" I loan because..." understanding motivations for pro-social lending
Y Liu, R Chen, Y Chen, Q Mei, S Salib
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2012
Does team competition increase pro-social lending? Evidence from online microfinance
R Chen, Y Chen, Y Liu, Q Mei
Games and Economic Behavior 101, 311-333, 2017
Recommending teams promotes prosocial lending in online microfinance
W Ai, R Chen, Y Chen, Q Mei, W Phillips
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (52), 14944-14948, 2016
Can self-selection create high-performing teams?
R Chen, J Gong
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 148, 20-33, 2018
Best practices in replication: a case study of common information in coordination games
R Chen, Y Chen, YE Riyanto
Experimental Economics 24, 2-30, 2021
Coordination with endogenous groups
R Chen
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 141, 177-187, 2017
Risky procurement with an insider bidder
J Boone, R Chen, JK Goeree, A Polydoro
Experimental economics 12, 417-436, 2009
Rhetoric matters: A social identity explanation for the anomaly of framing
D Chang, R Chen, E Krupka
University of Michigan Workin Paper, 2017
Do People Misreport in Strategy-Proof Mechanisms to Avoid Disappointment?
R Chen, P Katuscak, T Kittsteiner, K Kütter
Do People Misreport in Strategy-Proof Mechanisms to Avoid Disappointment …, 2023
Does Disappointment Aversion Explain Non-Truthful Reporting in Strategy-Proof Mechanisms?
R Chen, P Katuscak, T Kittsteiner, K Kütter
Available at SSRN 4410915, 2023
Social identity in online microfinance: A field experiment at Kiva
R Chen, Y Chen, Y Liu, Q Mei
Social Identity and Cooperation
RW Chen
University of Michigan, 2012
Do policy instruments that restrict social identity expression increase economic cooperation?
D Chang, R Chen, EL Krupka, Z Song
European Economic Review 170, 104847, 2024
Ethnic Bias, Migration, and the Formation of New Social Identities among Returnees in Nepal
R Chen, SA Shrestha
Migration, and the Formation of New Social Identities Among Returnees in …, 2024
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Articles 1–16