Simon S. Park
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Cited by
Investigation of micro-cutting operations
J Chae, SS Park, T Freiheit
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 46 (3-4), 313-332, 2006
Electrical and electromagnetic interference shielding properties of flow-induced oriented carbon nanotubes in polycarbonate
M Arjmand, M Mahmoodi, GA Gelves, S Park, U Sundararaj
Carbon 49 (11), 3430-3440, 2011
Modeling of dynamic micro-milling cutting forces
M Malekian, SS Park, MBG Jun
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 49 (7-8), 586-598, 2009
The electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding of injection molded multi-walled carbon nanotube/polystyrene composites
M Mahmoodi, M Arjmand, U Sundararaj, S Park
Carbon 50 (4), 1455-1464, 2012
Modeling of minimum uncut chip thickness in micro machining of aluminum
M Malekian, MG Mostofa, SS Park, MBG Jun
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (3), 553-559, 2012
Receptance coupling for end mills
SS Park, Y Altintas, M Movahhedy
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 43 (9), 889-896, 2003
Tool wear monitoring of micro-milling operations
M Malekian, SS Park, MBG Jun
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (10), 4903-4914, 2009
High frequency bandwidth cutting force measurement in milling using capacitance displacement sensors
A Albrecht, SS Park, Y Altintas, G Pritschow
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 45 (9), 993-1008, 2005
Mechanistic modeling and accurate measurement of micro end milling forces
SS Park, M Malekian
CIRP annals 58 (1), 49-52, 2009
Dynamic compensation of spindle-integrated force sensors
Y Altintas, SS Park
CIRP Annals 53 (1), 305-308, 2004
Chatter suppression in micro end milling with process damping
R Rahnama, M Sajjadi, SS Park
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (17), 5766-5776, 2009
Feasibility analysis of blending hydrogen into natural gas networks
JB Cristello, JM Yang, R Hugo, Y Lee, SS Park
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (46), 17605-17629, 2023
Dynamic compensation of spindle integrated force sensors with kalman filter
SS Park, Y Altintas
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 126 (3), 443-452, 2004
Effect of CNT alignment on the strain sensing capability of carbon nanotube composites
K Parmar, M Mahmoodi, C Park, SS Park
Smart materials and structures 22 (7), 075006, 2013
FRF based joint dynamics modeling and identification
M Mehrpouya, E Graham, SS Park
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 39 (1-2), 265-279, 2013
Robust chatter stability in micro-milling operations
SS Park, R Rahnama
CIRP annals 59 (1), 391-394, 2010
Substructure coupling of microend mills to aid in the suppression of chatter
BA Mascardelli, SS Park, T Freiheit
High frequency bandwidth measurements of micro cutting forces
J Chae, SS Park
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 47 (9), 1433-1441, 2007
An innovative method to reduce the energy loss of conductive filler/polymer composites for charge storage applications
M Arjmand, M Mahmoodi, S Park, U Sundararaj
Composites science and technology 78, 24-29, 2013
A new mechanistic approach for micro end milling force modeling
MBG Jun, C Goo, M Malekian, S Park
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Articles 1–20