Eddy Ng
Cited by
Cited by
New generation, great expectations: A field study of the millennial generation
ESW Ng, L Schweitzer, ST Lyons
Journal of Business and Psychology 25 (2), 281-292, 2010
The changing nature of work and organizations: Implications for human resource management
RJ Burke, E Ng
Human Resource Management Review 16 (2), 86-94, 2006
How have careers changed? An investigation of changing career patterns across four generations
ST Lyons, L Schweitzer, ESW Ng
Journal of Managerial Psychology 30 (1), 8-21, 2015
Person–organization fit and the war for talent: does diversity management make a difference?
ESW Ng, RJ Burke
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16 (7), 1195-1210, 2005
Millennials’ work values: Differences across the school to work transition
LKJ Kuron, ST Lyons, L Schweitzer, ESW Ng
Personnel Review 44 (6), 991-1009, 2015
CEO leadership styles and the implementation of organizational diversity practices: Moderating effects of social values and age
ES Ng, GJ Sears
Journal of business ethics 105, 41-52, 2012
Money talks or millennials walk: The effect of compensation on nonprofit millennial workers sector-switching intentions
J McGinnis Johnson, ES Ng
Review of Public Personnel Administration 36 (3), 283-305, 2016
Comparing apples to apples: A qualitative investigation of career mobility patterns across four generations
ST Lyons, L Schweitzer, ESW Ng, LKJ Kuron
Career Development International 17 (4), 333-357, 2012
Walking the talk on diversity: CEO beliefs, moral values, and the implementation of workplace diversity practices
ES Ng, GJ Sears
Journal of Business Ethics 164 (3), 437-450, 2020
International handbook on diversity management at work:: country perspectives on diversity and equal treatment
A Klarsfeld, LAE Booysen, E Ng, A Tatli, I Roper
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014
The glass ceiling in context: the influence of CEO gender, recruitment practices and firm internationalisation on the representation of women in management
ES Ng, GJ Sears
Human Resource Management Journal 27 (1), 133-151, 2017
Resilience in the modern career
ST Lyons, L Schweitzer, ESW Ng
Career development international 20 (4), 363-383, 2015
Career choice in Canadian public service: An exploration of fit with the millennial generation
ESW Ng, CW Gossett
Public Personnel Management 42 (3), 337-358, 2013
Managing the new workforce: International perspectives on the millennial generation
E Ng, ST Lyons, L Schweitzer
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012
Predictor of Business Students’ Attitudes Toward Sustainable Business Practices
ES Ng, RJ Burke
Journal of business ethics 95 (4), 603-615, 2010
Diversity and inclusion for LGBT workers: Current issues and new horizons for research
ES Ng, N Rumens
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2017
Millennials: who are they, how are they different, and why should we care?
ESW Ng, JMG Johnson
The multi-generational and aging workforce, 121-137, 2015
Temporary work, underemployment and workplace accommodations: Relationship to well‐being for workers with disabilities
AM Konrad, ME Moore, ESW Ng, AJ Doherty, K Breward
British Journal of Management 24 (3), 367-382, 2013
The next generation at work–business students' views, values and job search strategy: Implications for universities and employers
ESW Ng, RJ Burke
Education+ Training 48 (7), 478-492, 2006
Anticipated discrimination and a career choice in nonprofit: A study of early career lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered (LGBT) job seekers
ESW Ng, L Schweitzer, ST Lyons
Review of Public Personnel Administration 32 (4), 332-352, 2012
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Articles 1–20