Birgit Andrine Apenes Solem
Birgit Andrine Apenes Solem
Associate Professor, The University College of Southeast Norway
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Cited by
Engagement valence duality and spillover effects in online brand communities
JLH Bowden, J Conduit, LD Hollebeek, V Luoma-Aho, BA Solem
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 27 (4), 877-897, 2017
Influences of customer participation and customer brand engagement on brand loyalty
BA Apenes Solem
Journal of Consumer Marketing 33 (5), 332-342, 2016
The effects of regulatory fit on customer brand engagement: an experimental study of service brand activities in social media
BAA Solem, PE Pedersen
Journal of Marketing Management 32 (5-6), 445-468, 2016
Emerging theories of consumer-driven market innovation, adoption, and diffusion: A selective review of consumer-oriented studies
A Branstad, BA Solem
Journal of Business Research 116, 561-571, 2020
The role of customer brand engagement in social media: conceptualisation, measurement, antecedents and outcomes
BAA Solem, PE Pedersen
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 10 (4), 223-254, 2016
Untangling service design routines for digital servitization: empirical insights of smart PSS in maritime industry
BAA Solem, M Kohtamäki, V Parida, T Brekke
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 33 (4), 717-740, 2022
Dynamic capabilities in the realisation of omnichannel retailing
BAA Solem, JI Fredriksen, Ø Sørebø
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 2022
The Role of Social Capital in Shaping Consumer Engagement within Online Brand Communities
JLW Bowden, ...
The Handbook of Communication Engagement, 2018
Routledge handbook of the business of women's sport
AN Geurin, NL Lough
Routledge, 2019
The consumer engagement/return on social media engagement interface: Development of a conceptual model
LD Hollebeek, BAA Solem
Contemporary issues in social media marketing, 132-148, 2017
The process of customer brand engagement in interactive contexts : prerequisites, conceptual foundations, antecedents, and outcomes.
BAA Solem
Norwegian School of Economis, Department of Strategy and Management, 2016
Overcoming barriers to transformation in manufacturing firms. A path-dependence perspective of digital servitization
T Brekke, S Lenka, M Kohtamäki, V Parida, BAA Solem
Review of Managerial Science 18 (2), 385-412, 2024
Stakeholder management of temporary sport event organizations
E Kristiansen, BAA Solem, T Dille, B Houlihan
Event Management 25 (6), 619-639, 2021
Digitaliseringens påvirkning på varehandel: En litteraturstudie
PE Pedersen, BAA Solem, E Kristiansen
Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, 2018
Creating Brand Experiences Through Activational Sponsorship Leverage
S Skard, BA Apenes Solem
Event Management, 2022
Eventledelse–innledende betraktninger
E Kristiansen, T Dille, BAA Solem
Eventledelse: En forskningsbasert antologi, 9-19, 2019
Value creation in digital platform business models: Value conceptualizations, value dimensions and value logics
R Reinsberg, BAA Solem, PE Pedersen
Research Handbook on Digital Strategy, 194-210, 2023
Sport, sponsors, and sponsor fit: Media presentations of Norwegian women athletes in Olympic events
E Kristiansen, BAA Solem, M Lagerborg
Routledge Handbook of the Business of Women's Sport, 515-528, 2019
Markedsinnovasjon, adopsjon og diffusjon: Ulike markedslogikker illustrert gjennom matmarkedet.
PE Solem, B. A. A., Branstad, A., Pedersen
Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 8, 27-36, 2018
Business model innovation in the retail industry: a service system perspective
PE Pedersen, BA Solem, K Bentsen
Innovating for Trust, 131-144, 2017
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Articles 1–20