Krishna Podila
Krishna Podila
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
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CFD modelling of turbulent flows through 5× 5 fuel rod bundles with spacer-grids
K Podila, Y Rao
Annals of Nuclear Energy 97, 86-95, 2016
A CFD simulation of 5× 5 rod bundles with split-type spacers
K Podila, YF Rao, M Krause, J Bailey
Progress in Nuclear Energy 70, 167-175, 2014
CFD analysis of flow and heat transfer in Canadian supercritical water reactor bundle
K Podila, YF Rao
Annals of Nuclear Energy 75, 1-10, 2015
CFD modelling of supercritical water flow and heat transfer in a 2× 2 fuel rod bundle
K Podila, Y Rao
Nuclear Engineering and Design 301, 279-289, 2016
Assessment of CFD for the Canadian SCWR bundle with wire wraps
K Podila, YF Rao
Progress in Nuclear Energy 77, 373-380, 2014
CFD simulation of gas–liquid contacting in tubular reactors
K Podila, AM Al Taweel, M Koksal, A Troshko, YP Gupta
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (24), 7151-7162, 2007
CFD simulations of molten salt reactor experiment core
K Podila, Q Chen, Y Rao
Nuclear Science and Engineering 193 (12), 1379-1393, 2019
Assessment of subchannel code ASSERT-PV for supercritical applications
YF Rao, EN Onder, K Podila
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 117, 164-171, 2016
Assessment of computational tools in support of heat-transfer correlation development for fuel assembly of Canadian supercritical water-cooled reactor
LKH Leung, Y Rao, K Podila
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 2 (1), 011006, 2016
CFD simulation of heated tight-lattice rod bundles for an IAEA benchmark
K Podila, YF Rao
Progress in Nuclear Energy 108, 222-232, 2018
Coupled simulations for prismatic gas-cooled reactor
K Podila, Q Chen, X Huang, C Li, Y Rao, G Waddington, T Jafri
Nuclear Engineering and Design 395, 111858, 2022
CFD simulation of vertical seven-rod bundle cooled with supercritical Freon-12
X Huang, K Podila, YF Rao
AECL Nuclear Review (Online) 3, 2014
CFD simulation of multiphase flow: closure recommendations for fluid–fluid systems
AM Al Taweel, S Madhavan, K Podila, M Koksal, A Troshko, YP Gupta
Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Mixing, Bologna, Italy, 495-502, 2006
Computational fluid dynamic simulations of heat transfer from a 2× 2 wire-wrapped fuel rod bundle to supercritical pressure water
K Podila, Y Rao
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 4 (1), 011008, 2018
Summary on the results of two computational fluid dynamic benchmarks of tube and different channel geometries
A Kiss, A Churkin, DS Pilkhwal, AM Vaidya, W Ambrosini, A Pucciarelli, ...
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 4 (1), 011001, 2018
Assessment of CFD for unheated gas-liquid flows with high void fraction
Q Chen, K Podila, YF Rao, R Bowden, SK Yang
Nuclear Engineering and Design 341, 346-359, 2019
CFD simulation of corium flow through an end fitting of a pressurised heavy water reactor
K Podila, Q Chen, Y Rao, J Spencer, J Buell, A Morreale, R David, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 369, 110850, 2020
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of fire and human evacuation for nuclear applications
L Sun, K Podila, Q Chen, AM Bayomy, YF Rao
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 6 (1), 011112, 2020
Canadian participation in OECD/NEA-KAERI rod bundle benchmark for CFD codes
J Szymanski, D Chang, D Novog, K Podila, J Bailey, Y Rao, A Rashkovan, ...
Proc. 24th Nuclear Simulation Symp., Ottawa, Canada, 2012
Application of high-fidelity modelling approach to predict smoke and fire propagation in a nuclear fire scenario
A John, K Podila, Q Chen, Y Rao
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 23, 100903, 2021
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Articles 1–20