Timothy John Bartley
Cited by
Cited by
Food web rewiring in a changing world
TJ Bartley, KS McCann, C Bieg, K Cazelles, M Granados, MM Guzzo, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (3), 345-354, 2019
Winter in water: differential responses and the maintenance of biodiversity
BC McMeans, KS McCann, MM Guzzo, TJ Bartley, C Bieg, PJ Blanchfield, ...
Ecology Letters 23 (6), 922-938, 2020
Invasions toolkit: Current methods for tracking the spread and impact of invasive species
S Kamenova, TJ Bartley, DA Bohan, JR Boutain, RI Colautti, I Domaizon, ...
Advances in ecological research 56, 85-182, 2017
Into the wild: microbiome transplant studies need broader ecological reality
CJ Greyson-Gaito, TJ Bartley, K Cottenie, WMC Jarvis, AEM Newman, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1921), 20192834, 2020
Validating environmental DNA metabarcoding for marine fishes in diverse ecosystems using a public aquarium
KC Morey, TJ Bartley, RH Hanner
Environmental DNA 2 (3), 330-342, 2020
Offshore prey densities facilitate similar life history and behavioral patterns in two distinct aquatic apex predators, northern pike and lake trout
PJ Kennedy, TJ Bartley, DM Gillis, KS McCann, MD Rennie
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147 (5), 972-995, 2018
Homogenization of freshwater lakes: Recent compositional shifts in fish communities are explained by gamefish movement and not climate change
K Cazelles, T Bartley, MM Guzzo, MH Brice, AS MacDougall, JR Bennett, ...
Global Change Biology 25 (12), 4222-4233, 2019
Context-dependent interactions and the regulation of species richness in freshwater fish
AS MacDougall, E Harvey, JL McCune, KA Nilsson, J Bennett, J Firn, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 973, 2018
DNA barcoding increases resolution and changes structure in Canadian boreal shield lake food webs
TJ Bartley, HE Braid, KS McCann, NP Lester, BJ Shuter, RH Hanner
DNA Barcodes 3 (1), 30-43, 2015
Food web rewiring in a changing world. Nat Ecol Evol 3: 345–354
TJ Bartley, KS McCann, C Bieg, K Cazelles, M Granados, MM Guzzo, ...
Nature's pitfall trap: Salamanders as rich prey for carnivorous plants in a nutrient‐poor northern bog ecosystem
PD Moldowan, AM Smith, T Baldwin, T Bartley, N Rollinson, H Wynen
Ecology, 2019
Validating environmental DNA metabarcoding for marine fishes in diverse ecosystems using a public aquarium. Environmental DNA, 2 (3), 330–342
KC Morey, TJ Bartley, RH Hanner
Food web rewiring in a changing world. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3 (3): 345-354
TJ Bartley, KS McCann, C Bieg, K Cazelles, M Granados, MM Guzzo, ...
Relationship between water transparency and walleye (Sander vitreus) muscle glycolytic potential in northwestern Ontario lakes
NB Edmunds, TJ Bartley, A Caskenette, F Laberge, KS McCann
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (9), 1616-1623, 2019
Flexible Food Web Structure in a Variable World
TJ Bartley
University of Guelph, 2017
Multiple species drive flexible lake food webs with warming
TJ Bartley, TD Tunney, NP Lester, BJ Shuter, RH Hanner, KS McCann
bioRxiv, 499400, 2018
Common processes drive metacommunity structure in freshwater fish
T Kadoya, KA Nilsson, J Kelly, TJ Bartley, T Säterberg, MM Guzzo, E Esch, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 33 (5), e13822, 2024
Replicating nature's fabric: High information markets and the sustainability of global seafood
C Bieg, TJ Bartley, KS McCann, RH Hanner
Food Webs 32, e00239, 2022
Thermal preferences drive behavioural responses but not biomass responses of predatory fishes to lake morphometry
TJ Bartley, MM Guzzo, K Cazelles, A Verville, BC McMeans, KS McCann
BioRxiv, 572925, 2019
Nature rewires in a changing world
TJ Bartley, KS McCann, C Bieg, K Cazelles, M Granados, MM Guzzo, ...
CC BY 4, 0-38, 2018
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Articles 1–20