Norhazilan Md Noor
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Cited by
Hybrid SWARA-COPRAS method for risk assessment in deep foundation excavation project: An Iranian case study
A Valipour, N Yahaya, N Md Noor, J Antuchevičienė, J Tamošaitienė
Journal of civil engineering and management 23 (4), 524-532, 2017
A fuzzy analytic network process method for risk prioritization in freeway PPP projects: an Iranian case study
A Valipour, N Yahaya, N Md Noor, S Kildienė, H Sarvari, A Mardani
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 21 (7), 933-947, 2015
Relationship between soil properties and corrosion of carbon steel
MN Norhazilan, Y Nordin, KS Lim, RO Siti, ARA Safuan, MH Norhamimi
Journal of Applied Sciences Research 8 (3), 1739-1747, 2012
Behaviour of weak soils reinforced with soil cement columns formed by the deep mixing method: rigid and flexible footings
ASA Rashid, JA Black, ABH Kueh, NM Noor
Measurement 68, 262-279, 2015
Risk assessment in PPP projects by applying different MCDM methods and comparative results analysis
A Valipour, H Sarvari, J Tamošaitiene
Administrative Sciences 8 (4), 80, 2018
Behaviour of steel pipelines with composite repairs analysed using experimental and numerical approaches
KS Lim, SNA Azraai, N Yahaya, NM Noor, L Zardasti, JHJ Kim
Thin-Walled Structures 139, 321-333, 2019
Approaches to risk identification in public–private partnership projects: Malaysian private partners’ overview
H Sarvari, A Valipour, N Yahya, NMD Noor, M Beer, N Banaitiene
Administrative Sciences 9 (1), 17, 2019
An Overview of Corroded Pipe Repair Techniques Using Composite Materials
KS Lim, SNA Azraai, NM Noor, N Yahaya
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal …, 2016
Behavior of Weak Soils Reinforced with End-Bearing Soil-Cement Columns Formed by the Deep Mixing Method
ASA Rashid, JA Black, H Mohamad, NM Noor
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2015
Relationship between liquidity index and stabilized strength of local subgrade materials in a tropical area
ASA Rashid, R Kalatehjari, NM Noor, H Yaacob, H Moayedi, LK Sing
Measurement 55, 231-237, 2014
Review on the identification of reputation loss indicators in an onshore pipeline explosion event
L Zardasti, N Yahaya, A Valipour, ASA Rashid, NM Noor
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 48, 71-86, 2017
Effect of clay and moisture content on soil corrosion dynamic
N Yahaya, KS Lim, NM Noor, SR Othman, A Abdullah
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 23 (1), 24-32, 2011
An enhanced multi-objective optimization approach for risk allocation in public–private partnership projects: a case study of Malaysia
V Alireza, Y Mohammadreza, RM Zin, N Yahaya, NM Noor
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 41 (2), 164-177, 2014
Microbial Corrosion of API 5L X-70 Carbon Steel by ATCC7757 and Consortium of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)
A Abdullah, N Yahaya, NM Noor, RM Rasol
Journal of Chemistry 2014, 2014
A new hybrid fuzzy cybernetic analytic network process model to identify shared risks in PPP projects
A Valipour, N Yahaya, N Md Noor, A Mardani, J Antuchevičienė
International Journal of Strategic Property Management 20 (4), 409-426, 2016
Application of two-dimensional wavelet transform to detect damage in steel plate structures
M Abdulkareem, N Bakhary, M Vafaei, NM Noor, RN Mohamed
Measurement 146, 912-923, 2019
New technique for studying soil-corrosion of underground pipeline
N Yahaya, NM Norhazilan, SR Othman, LK Sing, M Mat Din
Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (9), 1510-1518, 2011
Non-probabilistic wavelet method to consider uncertainties in structural damage detection
M Abdulkareem, N Bakhary, M Vafaei, NM Noor, KH Padil
Journal of Sound and Vibration 433, 77-98, 2018
An artificial neural network modeling for pipeline corrosion growth prediction
MD Mazura, I Norafida, MZ Azlan, MN Norhazilan, MS Maheyzah
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 10 (NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2015 …, 2015
Prediction of CO2 corrosion growth in submarine pipelines
N Yahaya, NM Noor, MM Din, SHM Nor
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 21 (1), 2009
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Articles 1–20