Eric Werker
Eric Werker
Professor, Simon Fraser University Beedie School of Business
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How much is a seat on the Security Council worth? Foreign aid and bribery at the United Nations
I Kuziemko, E Werker
Journal of political economy 114 (5), 905-930, 2006
What do nongovernmental organizations do?
E Werker, FZ Ahmed
Journal of economic perspectives 22 (2), 73-92, 2008
Do voters demand responsive governments? Evidence from Indian disaster relief
S Cole, A Healy, E Werker
Journal of development economics 97 (2), 167-181, 2012
The political economy of “natural” disasters
C Cohen, ED Werker
Journal of Conflict Resolution 52 (6), 795-819, 2008
Refugee camp economies
E Werker
Journal of Refugee Studies 20 (3), 461-480, 2007
How is foreign aid spent? Evidence from a natural experiment
E Werker, FZ Ahmed, C Cohen
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 1 (2), 225-244, 2009
The costs of favoritism: Is politically-driven aid less effective?
A Dreher, S Klasen, J Raymond, E Werker
Economic Development and Cultural Change 62 (1), 2013
Corporate governance at the World Bank and the dilemma of global governance
A Kaja, E Werker
The World Bank Economic Review 24 (2), 171-198, 2010
Deals and Development: The Political Dynamics of Growth Episodes
L Pritchett, K Sen, E Werker
Oxford University Press, 2018
Portrait of a failed rebellion: an account of rational, sub-optimal violence in western Uganda
L Hovil, E Werker
Rationality and Society 17 (1), 5-34, 2005
Who Runs the International System? Nationality and Leadership in the United Nations Secretariat⇤
P Novosad, E Werker
The Review of International Organizations, 2017
What drives successful economic diversification in resource-rich countries?
AA Lashitew, ML Ross, E Werker
The World Bank Research Observer 36 (2), 164-196, 2021
Do natural resources help or hinder development? Resource abundance, dependence, and the role of institutions
AA Lashitew, E Werker
Resource and Energy Economics 61, 101183, 2020
Ebola, jobs and economic activity in Liberia
J Bowles, J Hjort, T Melvin, E Werker
J Epidemiol Community Health 70 (3), 271-277, 2016
Developing the guts of a GUT (Grand Unified Theory): elite commitment and inclusive growth
L Pritchett, E Werker
Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre (ESID) Working Paper, 2012
Male circumcision and AIDS: the macroeconomic impact of a health crisis
E Werker, A Ahuja, B Wendell
Harvard Business School, 2006
The Political Economy of Bilateral Foreign Aid
E Werker
Handbook of Safeguarding Global Financial Stability: Political, Social …, 2012
Are economic rents good for development? Evidence from the manufacturing sector
D Schwab, E Werker
World Development 112, 33-45, 2018
How much are benefit-sharing agreements worth to communities affected by mining?
E Adebayo, E Werker
Resources Policy 71, 101970, 2021
Improved resource governance through transparency: Evidence from Mongolia
D Boldbaatar, NC Kunz, E Werker
The Extractive Industries and Society 6 (3), 775-787, 2019
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Articles 1–20