Richard Shearmur
Cited by
Cited by
Comparing alternative approaches to measuring the geographical accessibility of urban health services: Distance types and aggregation-error issues
P Apparicio, M Abdelmajid, M Riva, R Shearmur
International journal of health geographics 7, 1-14, 2008
The case of Montreal's missing food deserts: evaluation of accessibility to food supermarkets
P Apparicio, MS Cloutier, R Shearmur
International journal of health geographics 6, 1-13, 2007
Économie urbaine et régionale: géographie économique et dynamique des territoires
M Polèse, R Shearmur, L Terral
Économica, 2015
Are cities the font of innovation? A critical review of the literature on cities and innovation
R Shearmur
Cities 29, S9-S18, 2012
Agglomeration and dispersion of high-order service employment in the Montreal metropolitan region, 1981-96
WJ Coffey, RG Shearmur
Urban studies 39 (3), 359-378, 2002
Why some regions will decline: A Canadian case study with thoughts on local development strategies*
M Polèse, R Shearmur
Papers in regional science 85 (1), 23-46, 2006
Collaboration, information and the geography of innovation in knowledge intensive business services
D Doloreux, R Shearmur
Journal of economic geography 12 (1), 79-105, 2012
Innovation, regions and proximity: from neo-regionalism to spatial analysis
R Shearmur
Regional studies 45 (9), 1225-1243, 2011
La périphérie face à l'économie du savoir: La dynamique spatiale de l'économie canadienne et l'avenir des régions non métropolitaines du Québec et des provinces de l'Atlantique
M Polèse, R Shearmur
Institut national de la recherche scientifique, 2002
Urban hierarchy or local buzz? High-order producer service and (or) knowledge-intensive business service location in Canada, 1991–2001
R Shearmur, D Doloreux
The Professional Geographer 60 (3), 333-355, 2008
A tale of four cities: intrametropolitan employment distribution in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Ottawa–Hull, 1981–1996
R Shearmur, WJ Coffey
Environment and Planning A 34 (4), 575-598, 2002
Is distance really dead? Comparing industrial location patterns over time in Canada
M Polèse, R Shearmur
International Regional Science Review 27 (4), 431-457, 2004
Intrametropolitan patterns of high-order business service location: A comparative study of seventeen sectors in Ile-de-France
R Shearmur, C Alvergne
Urban Studies 39 (7), 1143-1163, 2002
Science parks: actors or reactors? Canadian science parks in their urban context
R Shearmur, D Doloreux
Environment and Planning a 32 (6), 1065-1082, 2000
Far from the madding crowd: Slow innovators, information value, and the geography of innovation
R Shearmur
Growth and Change 46 (3), 424-442, 2015
Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation
R Shearmur, C Carrincazeaux, D Doloreux
How open innovation processes vary between urban and remote environments: Slow innovators, market-sourced information and frequency of interaction
R Shearmur, D Doloreux
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 28 (5-6), 337-357, 2016
Intrametropolitan employment structure: Polycentricity, scatteration, dispersal and chaos in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, 1996-2001
R Shearmur, W Coffey, C Dube, R Barbonne
Urban Studies 44 (9), 1713-1738, 2007
Do local factors explain local employment growth? Evidence from Canada, 1971–2001
R Shearmur, M Polèse
Regional Studies 41 (4), 453-471, 2007
The growth and location of high order services in the Canadian urban system, 1971–1991
WJ Coffey, RG Shearmur
The Professional Geographer 49 (4), 404-418, 1997
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Articles 1–20