Jay Malcolm
Cited by
Cited by
Edge and other effects of isolation on Amazon forest fragments.
TE Lovejoy
Conservation biology: the science of scarcity and diversity., 257-285, 1986
Quantifying the biodiversity value of tropical primary, secondary, and plantation forests
J Barlow, TA Gardner, IS Araújo, TC Ávila-Pires, AB Bonaldo, JE Costa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (47), 18555-18560, 2007
Global warming and extinctions of endemic species from biodiversity hotspots
JR Malcolm, C Liu, RP Neilson, L Hansen, LEE Hannah
Conservation biology 20 (2), 538-548, 2006
Matrix habitat and species richness in tropical forest remnants
C Gascon, TE Lovejoy, RO Bierregaard Jr, JR Malcolm, PC Stouffer, ...
Biological conservation 91 (2-3), 223-229, 1999
Mammals of the Rio Juruá and the evolutionary and ecological diversification of Amazonia
JL Patton, MNF Da Silva, JR Malcolm
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 (244), 1-306, 2000
The cost‐effectiveness of biodiversity surveys in tropical forests
TA Gardner, J Barlow, IS Araujo, TC Ávila‐Pires, AB Bonaldo, JE Costa, ...
Ecology letters 11 (2), 139-150, 2008
Edge effects in central Amazonian forest fragments
JR Malcolm
Ecology 75 (8), 2438-2445, 1994
Estimated migration rates under scenarios of global climate change
JR Malcolm, A Markham, RP Neilson, M Garaci
Journal of Biogeography 29 (7), 835-849, 2002
Riverine barriers and the geographic distribution of Amazonian species
C Gascon, JR Malcolm, JL Patton, MNF da Silva, JP Bogart, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (25), 13672-13677, 2000
Effects of natural resource development on the terrestrial biodiversity of Canadian boreal forests
LA Venier, ID Thompson, R Fleming, J Malcolm, I Aubin, JA Trofymow, ...
Environmental reviews 22 (4), 457-490, 2014
Gene genealogy and differentiation among arboreal spiny rats (Rodentia: Echimyidae) of the Amazon basin: a test of the riverine barrier hypothesis
JL Patton, MNF Da Silva, JR Malcolm
Evolution 48 (4), 1314-1323, 1994
Influence of timber extraction routes on central African small‐mammal communities, forest structure, and tree diversity
JR Malcolm, JC Ray
Conservation Biology 14 (6), 1623-1638, 2000
Conservation and development alliances with the Kayapó of south-eastern Amazonia, a tropical forest indigenous people
B Zimmerman, CA Peres, JR Malcolm, T Turner
Environmental Conservation 28 (1), 10-22, 2001
Biomass and diversity of small mammals in Amazonian forest fragments
JR Malcolm
Tropical forest remnants: ecology, management, and conservation of …, 1997
Area disturbed and residual stand damage following logging in a Bolivian tropical forest
SM Jackson, TS Fredericksen, JR Malcolm
Forest ecology and management 166 (1-3), 271-283, 2002
Climate change induced hybridization in flying squirrels
CJ Garroway, J Bowman, TJ Cascaden, GL Holloway, CG Mahan, ...
Global Change Biology 16 (1), 113-121, 2010
Climate change and modelled biome representation in Canada's national park system: implications for system planning and park mandates
D Scott, JR Malcolm, C Lemieux
Global Ecology and Biogeography 11 (6), 475-484, 2002
The Adaptation for Conservation Targets (ACT) framework: a tool for incorporating climate change into natural resource management
MS Cross, ES Zavaleta, D Bachelet, ML Brooks, CAF Enquist, ...
Environmental management 50, 341-351, 2012
Amazonian small mammal abundances in relation to habitat structure and resource abundance
TD Lambert, JR Malcolm, BL Zimmerman
Journal of mammalogy 87 (4), 766-776, 2006
Effects of selective logging on bat communities in the southeastern Amazon
SL Peters, JR Malcolm, BL Zimmerman
Conservation Biology 20 (5), 1410-1421, 2006
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Articles 1–20