Vincent Kuuire
Vincent Kuuire
University of Toronto - Mississauga
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Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment
AE Bates, RB Primack, BS Biggar, TJ Bird, ME Clinton, RJ Command, ...
Biological conservation 263, 109175, 2021
National health insurance scheme enrolment and antenatal care among women in G hana: is there any relationship?
J Dixon, EY Tenkorang, IN Luginaah, VZ Kuuire, GO Boateng
Tropical Medicine & International Health 19 (1), 98-106, 2014
Health-seeking behaviour during times of illness: a study among adults in a resource poor setting in Ghana
VZ Kuuire, E Bisung, A Rishworth, J Dixon, I Luginaah
Journal of Public Health 38 (4), e545-e553, 2016
Women’s empowerment in the context of millennium development goal 3: A case study of married women in Ghana
GO Boateng, VZ Kuuire, M Ung, JA Amoyaw, FA Armah, I Luginaah
Social Indicators Research 115, 137-158, 2014
‘Abandoning’farms in search of food: food remittance and household food security in Ghana
V Kuuire, P Mkandawire, G Arku, I Luginaah
African Geographical Review 32 (2), 125-139, 2013
Residential remittances and food security in the Upper West Region of Ghana
KN Atuoye, VZ Kuuire, J Kangmennaang, R Antabe, I Luginaah
International Migration 55 (4), 18-34, 2017
Bullying victimization as a predictor of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among senior high school students in Ghana: Results from the 2012 Ghana Global School-Based …
P Baiden, VZ Kuuire, N Shrestha, BC Tonui, M Dako-Gyeke, KK Peters
Journal of School Violence 18 (2), 300-317, 2019
Timing and utilisation of antenatal care service in Nigeria and Malawi
VZ Kuuire, J Kangmennaang, KN Atuoye, R Antabe, SA Boamah, ...
Global public health 12 (6), 711-727, 2017
Africa's quest for food security: what is the role of urban agriculture
G Arku, P Mkandawire, N Aguda, V Kuuire
Agricultural mechanization, environmental degradation, and gendered livelihood implications in northern Ghana
MM Kansanga, P Mkandawire, V Kuuire, I Luginaah
Land Degradation & Development 31 (11), 1422-1440, 2020
Negotiation for safer sex among married women in Cambodia: The role of women's autonomy
M Ung, GO Boateng, FA Armah, JA Amoyaw, I Luginaah, V Kuuire
Journal of biosocial science 46 (1), 90-106, 2014
Utilisation of skilled birth attendants over time in Nigeria and Malawi
KN Atuoye, JA Amoyaw, VZ Kuuire, J Kangmennaang, SA Boamah, ...
Global public health 12 (6), 728-743, 2017
Noncommunicable diseases in Ghana: does the theory of social gradient in health hold?
EY Tenkorang, VZ Kuuire
Health Education & Behavior 43 (1_suppl), 25S-36S, 2016
Conundrum of sexual decision making in marital relationships: safer-sex knowledge, behavior, and attitudes of married women in Zambia
JA Amoyaw, VZ Kuuire, GO Boateng, Y Asare-Bediako, M Ung
The Journal of Sex Research 52 (8), 868-877, 2015
Exploring the linkage between exposure to mass media and HIV testing among married women and men in Ghana
Y Sano, AP Sedziafa, JA Amoyaw, GO Boateng, VZ Kuuire, S Boamah, ...
AIDS care 28 (6), 684-688, 2016
Does the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition impose biotechnology on smallholder farmers in Africa?
S Vercillo, VZ Kuuire, FA Armah, I Luginaah
Global bioethics 26 (1), 1-13, 2015
Validity of self‐report data in hypertension research: findings from the Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health
EY Tenkorang, P Sedziafa, Y Sano, V Kuuire, E Banchani
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 17 (12), 977-984, 2015
Obligations and expectations: Perceived relationship between transnational housing investment and housing consumption decisions among Ghanaian immigrants in Canada
VZ Kuuire, G Arku, I Luginaah, M Buzzelli, T Abada
Housing, Theory and Society 33 (4), 445-468, 2016
Community health impacts of surface mining in the Upper West Region of Ghana: The roles of mining odors and dust
R Antabe, KN Atuoye, VZ Kuuire, Y Sano, G Arku, I Luginaah
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 23 (4), 798-813, 2017
Examining risk factors for hypertension in Ghana: evidence from the Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health
EY Tenkorang, V Kuuire, I Luginaah, E Banchani
Global health promotion 24 (1), 14-26, 2017
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Articles 1–20