Alexander Turra, A. Turra
Alexander Turra, A. Turra
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Cited by
Synthetic fibers as microplastics in the marine environment: a review from textile perspective with a focus on domestic washings
FS Cesa, A Turra, J Baruque-Ramos
Science of the total environment 598, 1116-1129, 2017
Using mussel as a global bioindicator of coastal microplastic pollution
J Li, AL Lusher, JM Rotchell, S Deudero, A Turra, ILN Bråte, C Sun, ...
Environmental pollution 244, 522-533, 2019
Assessment of microplastic toxicity to embryonic development of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)
CR Nobre, MFM Santana, A Maluf, FS Cortez, A Cesar, CDS Pereira, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 92 (1-2), 99-104, 2015
Sources, fate and effects of microplastics in the marine environment: a global assessment
PJ Kershaw
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 2015
Three-dimensional distribution of plastic pellets in sandy beaches: shifting paradigms
A Turra, AB Manzano, RJS Dias, MM Mahiques, L Barbosa, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4435, 2014
Differences in perception and reaction of tourist groups to beach marine debris that can influence a loss of tourism revenue in coastal areas
AP Krelling, AT Williams, A Turra
Marine Policy 85, 87-99, 2017
A roadmap for using the UN decade of ocean science for sustainable development in support of science, policy, and action
J Claudet, L Bopp, WWL Cheung, R Devillers, E Escobar-Briones, ...
One Earth 2 (1), 34-42, 2020
Toward the integrated marine debris observing system
N Maximenko, P Corradi, KL Law, E Van Sebille, SP Garaba, RS Lampitt, ...
Frontiers in marine science 6, 447, 2019
Microplastic contamination in natural mussel beds from a Brazilian urbanized coastal region: Rapid evaluation through bioassessment
MFM Santana, LG Ascer, MR Custódio, FT Moreira, A Turra
Marine Pollution Bulletin 106 (1-2), 183-189, 2016
Trophic transference of microplastics under a low exposure scenario: insights on the likelihood of particle cascading along marine food-webs
MFM Santana, FT Moreira, A Turra
Marine pollution bulletin 121 (1-2), 154-159, 2017
Spatial variability in the concentrations of metals in beached microplastics
MC Vedolin, CYS Teophilo, A Turra, RCL Figueira
Marine pollution bulletin 129 (2), 487-493, 2018
Guidelines for the monitoring and assessment of plastic litter and microplastics in the ocean.
PJ Kershaw, A Turra, F Galgani
GESAMP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine …, 2019
Laundering and textile parameters influence fibers release in household washings
FS Cesa, A Turra, HH Checon, B Leonardi, J Baruque-Ramos
Environmental Pollution 257, 113553, 2020
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in plastic pellets: variability in the concentration and composition at different sediment depths in a sandy beach
M Fisner, S Taniguchi, F Moreira, MC Bícego, A Turra
Marine pollution bulletin 70 (1-2), 219-226, 2013
Human threats to sandy beaches: A meta-analysis of ghost crabs illustrates global anthropogenic impacts.
TA Schlacher, S Lucrezi, RM Connolly, CH Peterson, BL Gilby, B Maslo, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 169, 56-73, 2016
Member of the Editorial Board of" Scientific Reports"
F Magnani
Scientific reports, 2014
Araçá: biodiversidade, impactos e ameaças
ACZ Amaral, AE Migotto, A Turra, Y Schaeffer-Novelli
Biota Neotropica 10, 219-264, 2010
Continuous Exposure to Microplastics Does Not Cause Physiological Effects in the Cultivated Mussel Perna perna
MFM Santana, FT Moreira, CDS Pereira, DMS Abessa, A Turra
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 74, 594-604, 2018
Small-scale temporal and spatial variability in the abundance of plastic pellets on sandy beaches: methodological considerations for estimating the input of microplastics
FT Moreira, AL Prantoni, B Martini, MA de Abreu, SB Stoiev, A Turra
Marine Pollution Bulletin 102 (1), 114-121, 2016
Concentration and composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in plastic pellets: implications for small-scale diagnostic and environmental monitoring
M Fisner, S Taniguchi, AP Majer, MC Bícego, A Turra
Marine pollution bulletin 76 (1-2), 349-354, 2013
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Articles 1–20