Stanley Gyoshev
Stanley Gyoshev
University of Exeter Business School
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How does law affect finance? An examination of equity tunneling in Bulgaria
V Atanasov, B Black, C Ciccotello, S Gyoshev
Journal of Financial Economics 96 (1), 155-173, 2010
Bounded flexibility search and interface for travel reservations
A Vassilev, S Gyoshev
US Patent App. 10/826,928, 2005
External complexities in discontinuous innovation-based R&D projects: Analysis of inter-firm collaborative partnerships that lead to abundance
N Islam, S Gyoshev, D Amona
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 155, 119303, 2020
How does law affect finance? An examination of financial tunneling in an emerging market
V Atanasov, B Black, CS Ciccotello, SB Gyoshev
ECGI: Finance Working Paper 123, 2006, 2007
The anatomy of financial tunneling in emerging market
V Atanasov, B Black, CS Ciccotello, S Gyoshev
Conference on financial Modernisation and Economic Growth in Europe, 2006
How does law affect finance
V Atanasov, CS Ciccotello, SB Gyoshev
An empirical examination of tunneling in an emerging market. The William …, 2005
How does law affect finance? An empirical examination of tunneling in an emerging market
V Atanasov, CS Ciccotello, SB Gyoshev
Why do investment banks buy put options from companies?
SB Gyoshev, TR Kaplan, SH Szewczyk, GP Tsetsekos
Journal of Corporate Finance 67, 101718, 2021
Learning from the general principles of company law for transition economies: The case of Bulgaria
V Atanasov, CS Ciccotello, SB Gyoshev
J. Corp. L. 31, 1003, 2005
Detecting network anomalies in the Value Added Taxes (VAT) system
A Alexopoulos, P Dellaportas, S Gyoshev, C Kotsogiannis, T Pavkov
A TARC Policy Analysis Report, 2020
Synthetic repurchase programs through put derivatives: theory and evidence
SB Gyoshev
Drexel University, 2001
Exit performance of venture capital backed high-tech start-ups
D Amona, S Gyoshev, N Islam
2018 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON), 1-6, 2018
Conrad Ciccotello and Stanley Gyoshev, The Anatomy of Financial Tunneling in an Emerging Market (working paper 2006)
V Atanasov, B Black
Developing new understanding of how global talent flow impact individual and firm performance by using big data
Y Baruch, DSA Guttormsen, SB Gyoshev, T Pavkov, M Plesca
Human Resource Management Journal, 2023
Detecting anomalies in heterogeneous population–scale VAT networks
A Alexopoulos, P Dellaportas, S Gyoshev, C Kotsogiannis, SC Olhede, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.14005, 2021
Definitions matter! When Big Data takes on biased theory building in international HRM research
DSA Guttormsen, T Pavkov, S Gyoshev, M Plesca
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 18646, 2019
Corporate Risk Management and the Value of Cash Holdings
AA Isin
Corporate Risk Management and the Value of Cash Holdings: Isin, Adnan Anil, 2018
Collaboration Structure in Nanotechnology R&D: An Analysis of Organizational Dynamics on the Level of Collaboration and Structural Alliances
N Islam, S Gyoshev, D Amona
2017 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2017
Hedging and Firm Value: Measuring the Implications of Airline Hedging Programs
AA Isin, SB Gyoshev, K McMeeking
Working paper, 2014
How Does Law Affect Finance? An Examination of Financial Tunneling in an Emerging Market
B Black, V Atanasov, CS Ciccotello, SB Gyoshev
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Articles 1–20