Roseanne J. Foti
Roseanne J. Foti
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A test of leadership categorization theory: Internal structure, information processing, and leadership perceptions
RG Lord, RJ Foti, CL De Vader
Organizational behavior and human performance 34 (3), 343-378, 1984
Self-monitoring and trait-based variance in leadership: An investigation of leader flexibility across multiple group situations.
SJ Zaccaro, RJ Foti, DA Kenny
Journal of applied psychology 76 (2), 308, 1991
A theory of leadership categorization.
RG Lord, RJ Foti, JS Phillips
A pattern approach to the study of leader emergence
JA Smith, RJ Foti
The Leadership Quarterly 9 (2), 147-160, 1998
Schema theories, information processing and organizational behavior.
RG Lord, RJ Foti
Jossey-Bass, 1986
Pattern and variable approaches in leadership emergence and effectiveness.
RJ Foti, N Hauenstein
Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (2), 347, 2007
Implicit leadership theories, implicit followership theories, and dynamic processing of leadership information
RG Lord, O Epitropaki, RJ Foti, TK Hansbrough
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 7 (1 …, 2020
Effects of leadership labels and prototypes on perceptions of political leaders.
RJ Foti, SL Fraser, RG Lord
Journal of Applied Psychology 67 (3), 326, 1982
Prototypes and scripts: The effects of alternative methods of processing information on rating accuracy
RJ Foti, RG Lord
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 39 (3), 318-340, 1987
Evaluating the interaction between self-leadership and work structure in predicting job satisfaction
HE Roberts, RJ Foti
Journal of business and psychology 12, 257-267, 1998
Know thy self, know thy leader: Contributions of a pattern-oriented approach to examining leader perceptions
RJ Foti, BC Bray, NJ Thompson, SF Allgood
The leadership quarterly 23 (4), 702-717, 2012
Putting emergence back in leadership emergence: A dynamic, multilevel, process-oriented framework
BP Acton, RJ Foti, RG Lord, JA Gladfelter
The Leadership Quarterly 30 (1), 145-164, 2019
Are the best leaders both transformational and transactional? A pattern-oriented analysis.
PG O'Shea, RJ Foti, N Hauenstein, P Bycio
Leadership, 2009
The impact of shared leadership on teamwork mental models and performance in self-directed teams
HH McIntyre, RJ Foti
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 16 (1), 46-57, 2013
Dynamic viewpoints on implicit leadership and followership theories: approaches, findings, and future directions.
RJ Foti, TK Hansbrough, O Epitropaki, PT Coyle
Leadership quarterly. 28 (2), 261-267, 2017
Multi-level implications of framing leadership perceptions as a dynamic process
RJ Foti, RE Knee Jr, RSG Backert
The Leadership Quarterly 19 (2), 178-194, 2008
From laboratory to practice: Neglected issues in implementing frame‐of‐reference rater training
NMA Hauenstein, RJ Foti
Personnel Psychology 42 (2), 359-378, 1989
The influence of individual differences on the perception and categorization of leaders
RJ Foti, CH Luch
The Leadership Quarterly 3 (1), 55-66, 1992
Leader emergence and gender roles in all-female groups: A contextual examination
AB Gershenoff, RJ Foti
Small Group Research 34 (2), 170-196, 2003
Does thinking of myself as leader make me want to lead? The role of congruence in self-theories and implicit leadership theories in motivation to lead
B Schyns, T Kiefer, RJ Foti
Journal of Vocational Behavior 122, 103477, 2020
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