Mark Colgate
Cited by
Cited by
Customer value creation: a practical framework
JB Smith, M Colgate
Journal of marketing Theory and Practice 15 (1), 7-23, 2007
The role of price perceptions in an integrated model of behavioral intentions
S Varki, M Colgate
Journal of service research 3 (3), 232-240, 2001
Switching barriers in consumer markets: an investigation of the financial services industry
M Colgate, B Lang
Journal of consumer marketing 18 (4), 332-347, 2001
Implementing a customer relationship strategy: The asymmetric impact of poor versus excellent execution
MR Colgate, PJ Danaher
Journal of the Academy of marketing Science 28 (3), 375-387, 2000
An investigation into the switching process in retail banking services
M Colgate, R Hedge
International journal of bank marketing 19 (5), 201-212, 2001
Customer defection: a study of the student market in Ireland
M Colgate, K Stewart, R Kinsella
International journal of bank marketing 14 (3), 23-29, 1996
Developing a comprehensive picture of service failure
M Colgate, M Norris
International Journal of service industry management 12 (3), 215-233, 2001
Relationship quality, on‐line banking and the information technology gap
B Lang, M Colgate
International journal of bank marketing 21 (1), 29-37, 2003
Retail financial services: transaction to relationship marketing
N Alexander, M Colgate
European Journal of marketing 34 (8), 938-953, 2000
Back from the brink: Why customers stay
M Colgate, VTU Tong, CKC Lee, JU Farley
Journal of Service Research 9 (3), 211-228, 2007
The challenge of relationships in services‐a New Zealand study
M Colgate, K Stewart
International Journal of Service Industry Management 9 (5), 454-468, 1998
Relationship benefits in an internet environment
M Colgate, M Buchanan‐Oliver, R Elmsly
Managing service quality: an international journal 15 (5), 426-436, 2005
How to prevent your customers from failing
SS Tax, M Colgate, DE Bowen
MIT Sloan management review, 2006
Creating sustainable competitive advantage through marketing information system technology: a triangulation methodology within the banking industry
M Colgate
International Journal of Bank Marketing 16 (2), 80-89, 1998
Banks, retailers and their customers: a relationship marketing perspective
M Colgate, N Alexander
International Journal of bank marketing 16 (4), 144-152, 1998
Customers' responses to retail brand extensions
N Alexander, M Colgate
Journal of Marketing Management 21 (3-4), 393-419, 2005
Pre-bookable services in the chartered airline industry: Increasing satisfaction through differentiation
C Dennet't, EM Ineson, GJ Stone, M Colgate
The Service Industries Journal 20 (2), 82-94, 2000
Positive and negative consequences of a relationship manager strategy: New Zealand banks and their small business customers
M Colgate, B Lang
Journal of Business Research 58 (2), 195-204, 2005
Marketing and marketing information system sophistication in retail banking
C Mark
Service Industries Journal 20 (1), 139-152, 2000
Customer satisfaction and loyalty: how New Zealand banks need to improve
M Colgate
University of Auckland Business Review 1 (1), 36-48, 1999
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Articles 1–20