Athar Khodabakhsh
Athar Khodabakhsh
Research Scientist
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Cited by
Multivariate sensor data analysis for oil refineries and multi-mode identification of system behavior in real-time
A Khodabakhsh, I Ari̇, M Bakír, AO Ercan
IEEE Access 6, 64389-64405, 2018
Forecasting multivariate time-series data using LSTM and mini-batches
A Khodabakhsh, I Ari, M Bakır, SM Alagoz
Data Science: From Research to Application, 121-129, 2020
Cyber-risk identification for a digital substation
A Khodabakhsh, SY Yayilgan, M Abomhara, M Istad, N Hurzuk
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on availability …, 2020
Cyber-security gaps in a digital substation: From sensors to SCADA
A Khodabakhsh, SY Yayilgan, SH Houmb, N Hurzuk, J Foros, M Istad
2020 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 1-4, 2020
Cloud-based fault detection and classification for oil & gas industry
A Khodabakhsh, I Ari, M Bakir
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.04583, 2017
Real-time data reconciliation solutions for big data problems observed in oil refineries
M Bahr, B Aydoğan, M Aydin, A Khodabakhsh, I An, AÖ Ercan
2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2014
Data privacy in IoT equipped future smart homes
A Khodabakhsh, SY Yayilgan
Intelligent Technologies and Applications: Third International Conference …, 2021
LazyFox: Fast and parallelized overlapping community detection in large graphs
T Garrels, A Khodabakhsh, BY Renard, K Baum
PeerJ Computer Science 9, e1291, 2023
Stream analytics and adaptive windows for operational mode identification of time-varying industrial systems
A Khodabakhsh, I Ari, M Bakir, SM Alagoz
2018 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress), 242-246, 2018
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: 6th International Conference, LOD 2020, Siena, Italy, July 19–23, 2020, Revised Selected Papers, Part I
G Nicosia, V Ojha, E La Malfa, G Jansen, V Sciacca, P Pardalos, ...
Springer Nature, 2021
Predicting decision-making time for diagnosis over ngs cycles: An interpretable machine learning approach
A Khodabakhsh, TP Loka, S Boutin, D Nurjadi, BY Renard
bioRxiv, 2023.03. 07.530760, 2023
Intelligent Technologies and Applications: Third International Conference, INTAP 2020, Gjĝvik, Norway, September 28–30, 2020, Revised Selected Papers
SY Yayilgan, IS Bajwa, F Sanfilippo
Springer Nature, 2021
Proceedings of Asia Pacific Computer Systems Conference 2021: APCS 2021
A Gokhale, E Grant
Springer Nature, 2023
Digital oil refinery: utilizing real-time analytics and cloud computing over industrial sensor data
A Khodabakhsh
ICICT 2022
A Gokhale, M Guizani, E Grant, S Zhang, M Schneider, ABM Salem, ...
ICICT 2020
S Chen, M Huang, A Gokhale, S Zhang, SY Yayilgan, SX Wang, E Grant, ...
Rafinerilerdeki Büyük Veri Problemlerine Gerçek-Zamanlı Veri Uzlaştırma Çözümleri Real-Time Data Reconciliation Solutions for Big Data Problems Observed in Oil Refineries
M Bakır, B Aydoğan, M Aydın, A Khodabakhsh, İ Arı, AÖ Ercan
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Articles 1–17