Shimin Wang
Shimin Wang
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Heart sound classification based on improved MFCC features and convolutional recurrent neural networks
M Deng, T Meng, J Cao, S Wang, J Zhang, H Fan
Neural Networks 130, 22-32, 2020
Adaptive leader-following consensus for multiple Euler–Lagrange systems with an uncertain leader system
S Wang, J Huang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 30 (7), 2188-2196, 2018
Cooperative output regulation of singular multi-agent systems under switching network by standard reduction
S Wang, J Huang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 65 (4), 1377-1385, 2017
Adaptive Consensus and Parameter Estimation of Multi-Agent Systems with An Uncertain Leader
S Wang, X Meng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (9), 4393 - 4400, 2020
Containment control of singular heterogeneous multi-agent systems
Y Cong, Z Feng, H Song, S Wang
Journal of the Franklin Institute 355 (11), 4629-4643, 2018
Leaderless consensus of heterogeneous multiple Euler–Lagrange systems with unknown disturbance
S Wang, H Zhang, S Baldi, R Zhong
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (4), 2399-2406, 2022
Cooperative output regulation of linear multi-agent systems subject to an uncertain leader system
S Wang, J Huang
International Journal of Control 94 (4), 952-960, 2021
Adaptive cooperative tracking and parameter estimation of an uncertain leader over general directed graphs
S Wang, H Zhang, Z Chen
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (7), 3888-3901, 2023
Event-triggered control for containment maneuvering of second-order MIMO multi-agent systems with unmatched uncertainties and disturbances
Y Zhang, W Dan, P Zhouhua, LIU Lu, W Shimin
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 33 (11), 2959-2971, 2020
Coordination of mixed platoons and eco-driving strategy for a signal-free intersection
S Jiang, T Pan, R Zhong, C Chen, X Li, S Wang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (6), 6597-6613, 2022
Adaptive distributed observer for an uncertain leader with an unknown output over directed acyclic graphs
S Wang, J Huang
International Journal of Control 94 (12), 3424-3432, 2021
Event-triggered attitude synchronization of multiple rigid-body systems
S Wang, Z Shu, T Chen
Systems & Control Letters 149, 104879, 2021
Swarm Stability Analysis of High‐Order Linear Time‐Invariant Singular Multiagent Systems
M Fu, S Wang, Y Cong
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 469747, 2013
Stabilizing vehicular platoons mixed with regular human-piloted vehicles: an input-to-state string stability approach
Z Zhan, SM Wang, TL Pan, P Chen, WHK Lam, RX Zhong, Y Han
Transportmetrica B: transport dynamics 9 (1), 569-594, 2021
Adaptive distributed observer design for containment control of heterogeneous discrete-time swarm systems
W Shimin, Z Zhi, R Zhong, W Yuanqing, P Zhouhua
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 33 (11), 2898-2906, 2020
Containment control of discrete‐time multi‐agent systems with application to escort control of multiple vehicles
S Jiang, S Wang, Z Zhan, Y Wu, WHK Lam, R Zhong
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 32 (12), 6913-6938, 2022
Distributed state estimation for jointly observable linear systems over time-varying networks
S Wang, M Guay
Automatica 163, 111564, 2024
Distributed Time- and Event-Triggered Observers for Linear Systems: Non-Pathological Sampling and Inter-Event Dynamics
S Wang, Z Shu, T Chen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.02200, 2021
Extremum-Seeking Regulator for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Control Direction
S Wang, M Guay, RD Braatz
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024
An Adaptive Distributed Observer for a Class of Uncertain Linear Leader Systems over Jointly Connected Switching Networks and Its Application
T Liu, S Wang, J Huang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024
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