Rebecca L. Gruby
Rebecca L. Gruby
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Cited by
Polycentric systems of governance: A theoretical model for the commons
K Carlisle, RL Gruby
Policy studies journal 47 (4), 927-952, 2019
Blue economy and competing discourses in international oceans governance
JJ Silver, NJ Gray, LM Campbell, LW Fairbanks, RL Gruby
The Journal of Environment & Development 24 (2), 135-160, 2015
Six modes of co-production for sustainability
JM Chambers, C Wyborn, ME Ryan, RS Reid, M Riechers, A Serban, ...
Nature Sustainability 4 (11), 983-996, 2021
Multi-level governance for large marine commons: politics and polycentricity in Palau's protected area network
RL Gruby, X Basurto
Environmental science & policy 33, 260-272, 2013
Global oceans governance: New and emerging issues
LM Campbell, NJ Gray, L Fairbanks, JJ Silver, RL Gruby, BA Dubik, ...
Annual review of environment and resources 41 (1), 517-543, 2016
Why people matter in ocean governance: Incorporating human dimensions into large-scale marine protected areas
P Christie, NJ Bennett, NJ Gray, TA Wilhelm, N Lewis, J Parks, NC Ban, ...
Marine Policy 84, 273-284, 2017
Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations
JM Chambers, C Wyborn, NL Klenk, M Ryan, A Serban, NJ Bennett, ...
Global Environmental Change 72, 102422, 2022
An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation
NJ Bennett, L Teh, Y Ota, P Christie, A Ayers, JC Day, P Franks, D Gill, ...
Marine Policy 81, 411-418, 2017
Toward a social science research agenda for large marine protected areas
RL Gruby, NJ Gray, LM Campbell, L Acton
Conservation Letters 9 (3), 2016
Environmental governance theories: a review and application to coastal systems
S Partelow, A Schlüter, D Armitage, M Bavinck, K Carlisle, RL Gruby, ...
Resilience Alliance, 2020
Moments of influence in global environmental governance
R Witter, KR Marion Suiseeya, RL Gruby, S Hitchner, EM Maclin, ...
Environmental Politics 24 (6), 894-912, 2015
Everyone′ s solution? Defining and redefining protected areas at the convention on biological diversity
C Corson, R Gruby, R Witter, S Hagerman, D Suarez, S Greenberg, ...
Conservation and Society 12 (2), 190-202, 2014
Studying power with the social-ecological system framework
G Epstein, A Bennett, R Gruby, L Acton, M Nenadovic
Understanding society and natural resources: forging new strands of …, 2014
Boundary objects and global consensus: Scalar narratives of marine conservation in the convention on biological diversity
NJ Gray, RL Gruby, LM Campbell
Global environmental politics 14 (3), 64-83, 2014
Scalar politics and the region: strategies for transcending Pacific Island smallness on a global environmental governance stage
RL Gruby, LM Campbell
Environment and planning A 45 (9), 2046-2063, 2013
Fixing marine governance in Fiji? The new scalar narrative of ecosystem-based management
L Sievanen, RL Gruby, LM Campbell
Global Environmental Change 23 (1), 206-216, 2013
Conceptualizing social outcomes of large marine protected areas
RL Gruby, L Fairbanks, L Acton, E Artis, LM Campbell, NJ Gray, L Mitchell, ...
Coastal management 45 (6), 416-435, 2017
Embracing conceptual diversity to integrate power and institutional analysis: Introducing a relational typology
A Bennett, L Acton, G Epstein, RL Gruby, M Nenadovic
International Journal of the Commons 12 (2), 330-357, 2018
Oceans at Rio+ 20
LM Campbell, NJ Gray, LW Fairbanks, JJ Silver, RL Gruby
Conservation letters 6 (6), 439-447, 2013
Why the path to polycentricity matters: evidence from fisheries governance in Palau
KM Carlisle, RL Gruby
Environmental Policy and Governance 28 (4), 223-235, 2018
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Articles 1–20