Sven Bachmann
Sven Bachmann
Professor of Mathematics, Vancouver
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Automorphic equivalence within gapped phases of quantum lattice systems
S Bachmann, S Michalakis, B Nachtergaele, R Sims
Communications in Mathematical Physics 309 (3), 835-871, 2012
Adiabatic theorem for quantum spin systems
S Bachmann, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Physical review letters 119 (6), 060201, 2017
The adiabatic theorem and linear response theory for extended quantum systems
S Bachmann, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Communications in Mathematical Physics 361, 997-1027, 2018
Fredholm determinants and the statistics of charge transport
JE Avron, S Bachmann, GM Graf, I Klich
Communications in mathematical physics 280, 807-829, 2008
A many-body index for quantum charge transport
S Bachmann, A Bols, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Communications in Mathematical Physics 375, 1249-1272, 2020
Quantization of conductance in gapped interacting systems
S Bachmann, A Bols, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Annales Henri Poincaré 19, 695-708, 2018
On gapped phases with a continuous symmetry and boundary operators
S Bachmann, B Nachtergaele
Journal of Statistical Physics 154, 91-112, 2014
Lieb–Robinson bounds, Arveson spectrum and Haag–Ruelle scattering theory for gapped quantum spin systems
S Bachmann, W Dybalski, P Naaijkens
Annales Henri Poincaré 17, 1737-1791, 2016
Product vacua with boundary states and the classification of gapped phases
S Bachmann, B Nachtergaele
Communications in Mathematical Physics 329 (2), 509-544, 2012
Product Vacua and Boundary State Models in -Dimensions
S Bachmann, E Hamza, B Nachtergaele, A Young
Journal of Statistical Physics 160 (3), 636-658, 2015
Rational indices for quantum ground state sectors
S Bachmann, A Bols, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 (1), 2021
-classification of gapped parent Hamiltonians of quantum spin chains
S Bachmann, Y Ogata
Communications in Mathematical Physics 338, 1011-1042, 2015
The mass shell of the Nelson model without cut-offs
S Bachmann, DA Deckert, A Pizzo
Journal of Functional Analysis 263 (5), 1224-1282, 2012
Product vacua with boundary states
S Bachmann, B Nachtergaele
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (3), 035149, 2012
Time ordering and counting statistics
S Bachmann, GM Graf, GB Lesovik
Journal of Statistical Physics 138, 333-350, 2010
Disordered quantum wires: microscopic origins of the DMPK theory and Ohm’s law
S Bachmann, M Butz, W De Roeck
Journal of Statistical Physics 148, 164-189, 2012
A buckling instability and its influence on microtubule orientation in plant cells
S Bachmann, R Froese, EN Cytrynbaum
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 79 (5), 2132-2149, 2019
Dynamical crossing of an infinitely degenerate critical point
S Bachmann, M Fraas, GM Graf
Annales Henri Poincaré 18 (5), 1755-1776, 2017
A Classification of G-Charge Thouless Pumps in 1D Invertible States
S Bachmann, W De Roeck, M Fraas, T Jappens
Communications in Mathematical Physics 405 (7), 157, 2024
Exactness of linear response in the quantum Hall effect
S Bachmann, W De Roeck, M Fraas, M Lange
Annales Henri Poincaré 22, 1113-1132, 2021
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Articles 1–20