Sorin Lerner
Sorin Lerner
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ESP: Path-sensitive program verification in polynomial time
M Das, S Lerner, M Seigle
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2002 Conference on Programming language …, 2002
RELAY: static race detection on millions of lines of code
JW Voung, R Jhala, S Lerner
Proceedings of the the 6th joint meeting of the European software …, 2007
Staged information flow for JavaScript
R Chugh, JA Meister, R Jhala, S Lerner
Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGPLAN conference on programming language …, 2009
Equality saturation: a new approach to optimization
R Tate, M Stepp, Z Tatlock, S Lerner
Proceedings of the 36th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 2009
An empirical study of privacy-violating information flows in JavaScript web applications
D Jang, R Jhala, S Lerner, H Shacham
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2010
On subnormal floating point and abnormal timing
M Andrysco, D Kohlbrenner, K Mowery, R Jhala, S Lerner, H Shacham
2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 623-639, 2015
SafeDispatch: Securing C++ Virtual Calls from Memory Corruption Attacks.
D Jang, Z Tatlock, S Lerner
NDSS, 2014
Mojo: A dynamic optimization system
WK Chen, S Lerner, R Chaiken, DM Gillies
3rd ACM Workshop on Feedback-Directed and Dynamic Optimization (FDDO-3), 81-90, 2000
Automatically proving the correctness of compiler optimizations
S Lerner, T Millstein, C Chambers
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2003 conference on Programming language …, 2003
Automated soundness proofs for dataflow analyses and transformations via local rules
S Lerner, T Millstein, E Rice, C Chambers
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 40 (1), 364-377, 2005
Proving optimizations correct using parameterized program equivalence
S Kundu, Z Tatlock, S Lerner
ACM Sigplan Notices 44 (6), 327-337, 2009
WitchDoctor: IDE support for real-time auto-completion of refactorings
SR Foster, WG Griswold, S Lerner
2012 34th international conference on software engineering (ICSE), 222-232, 2012
Composing dataflow analyses and transformations
S Lerner, D Grove, C Chambers
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 37 (1), 270-282, 2002
Opium: Optimal package install/uninstall manager
C Tucker, D Shuffelton, R Jhala, S Lerner
29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'07), 178-188, 2007
Retrofitting fine grain isolation in the Firefox renderer
S Narayan, C Disselkoen, T Garfinkel, N Froyd, E Rahm, S Lerner, ...
29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20), 699-716, 2020
Protecting C++ Dynamic Dispatch Through VTable Interleaving.
D Bounov, RG Kici, S Lerner
NDSS, 2016
Establishing browser security guarantees through formal shim verification
D Jang, Z Tatlock, S Lerner
21st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 12), 113-128, 2012
Equality-based translation validator for LLVM
M Stepp, R Tate, S Lerner
Computer Aided Verification: 23rd International Conference, CAV 2011 …, 2011
Verifying GPU kernels by test amplification
A Leung, M Gupta, Y Agarwal, R Gupta, R Jhala, S Lerner
Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2012
Towards Verifying Android Apps for the Absence of {No-Sleep} Energy Bugs
P Vekris, R Jhala, S Lerner, Y Agarwal
2012 Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems (HotPower 12), 2012
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Articles 1–20