Suhail Odeh
Suhail Odeh
Bethlehem University
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Cited by
A hybrid fuzzy genetic algorithm for an adaptive traffic signal system
SM Odeh, AM Mora, MN Moreno, JJ Merelo
Advances in Fuzzy Systems 2015 (1), 378156, 2015
Using an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System(AnFis) Algorithm for Automatic Diagnosis of Skin Cancer
SM Odeh
Journal of Communication and Computer 8 (9), 751-755, 2011
Off-line signature verification and recognition: Neural Network Approach
SM Odeh, M Khalil
2011 international symposium on innovations in intelligent systems and …, 2011
Management of an intelligent traffic light system by using genetic algorithm
SM Odeh
Journal of Image and Graphics 1 (2), 90-93, 2013
Apply multi-layer perceptrons neural network for off-line signature verification and recognition
S Odeh, M Khalil
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (6), 261, 2011
A comparison of classification methods as diagnostic system: A case study on skin lesions
SM Odeh, AKM Baareh
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 137, 311-319, 2016
Hybrid algorithm: fuzzy logic-genetic algorithm on traffic light intelligent system
SM Odeh
2015 IEEE international conference on fuzzy systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-7, 2015
Wireless monitoring and tracking system for vehicles: A study case in an urban scenario
AJ Fernández-Ares, AM Mora, SM Odeh, P Garcia-Sanchez, MG Arenas
Simulation modelling practice and theory 73, 22-42, 2017
Skin lesion diagnosis using fluorescence images
SM Odeh, E Ros, I Rojas, JM Palomares
International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition, 648-659, 2006
Cursor movement control development by using ANFIS algorithm.
S Odeh, J Hodali, M Sleibi, I Salsa
International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) 6 (5), 2009
A novel wireless mobility monitoring and tracking system: Applications for smart traffic
AJ Fernández-Ares, AM Mora-Garcia, MI García-Arenas, ...
International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications …, 2016
Digital identity using hyperledger fabric as a private blockchain-based system
S Odeh, A Samara, R Rizqallah, L Shaheen
International Congress on Blockchain and Applications, 153-161, 2022
Evaluating fluorescence illumination techniques for skin lesion diagnosis
SM Odeh, F de Toro, I Rojas, MJ Saéz-Lara
Applied Artificial Intelligence 26 (7), 696-713, 2012
AI-Powered Smart Book: Enhancing Arabic Education in Palestine with Augmented Reality
M Al Rajab, S Odeh, S Hazboun, E Alheeh
International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, 167-178, 2023
Random walk generation and classification within an online learning platform.
AM Mousa, T Auth, A Samara, SM Odeh
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 19 (3A), 536-543, 2022
A computer aided diagnosis systems: using genetic algorithm with classifier of the k-nearest neighbors
SM Odeh, E Ros, I Rojas
The International Arab Conference on Information Technology 2008, 2008
A low level real-time vision system using specific computing architectures
E Ros, J Diaz, SMI Odeh, A Cañas
Proc. Sixth WSEAS Int’l Conf. Signal Processing, Computational Geometry and …, 2006
The Future of Mobile Payments: Blockchain-Based Solutions
M Obaid, A Abumwais, R Hodrob, S Odeh, M Obaid
2023 24th International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), 1-7, 2023
DiscimusRW: An E-Learning Web Application for Classifying Random Walks with Machine Learning
AM Mousa, T Auth, A Samara, S Odeh
2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), 1-5, 2021
Population dynamics in the iterated prisoner dilemma with prior commitment
S Odeh, P Caianiello
2019 Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management …, 2019
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Articles 1–20