Peggy Nzomo PhD
Cited by
Cited by
Advocacy engagement: The role of information literacy skills.
P Nzomo, P Fehrmann
Journal of Information Literacy 14 (1), 41-65, 2020
Multilingual information retrieval & use: Perceptions and practices amongst bi/multilingual academic users
P Nzomo, I Ajiferuke, L Vaughan, P McKenzie
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 42 (5), 495-502, 2016
Towards a definition of multilingual information literacy (MLIL): an essential skill for the 21st century
P Nzomo, P McKenzie, I Ajiferuke, L Vaughan
Journal of Library Administration 61 (7), 897-920, 2021
Multi-lingual information access tools: user survey
P Nzomo, VL Rubin, I Ajiferuke
Proceedings of the 2012 iConference, 530-532, 2012
Multilingual Information Access (MLIA) tools on Google and WorldCat: Bi/multilingual university students’ experience and perceptions
P Nzomo, L Vaughan, I Ajiferuke, P McKenzie
Journal of Library Administration 59 (8), 831-853, 2019
Multilingual Information Access: Practices and Perceptions of Bi/multilingual Academic Users
PI Nzomo
The University of Western Ontario (Canada), 2015
Information Literacy Divide: The language factor
P Nzomo
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Library Resources and Services by International Students: A Case Study
P Nzomo
Journal of Library Administration 63 (5), 722-740, 2023
International Students’ use of Multilingual Information Access (MLIA) tools: A Survey
P Nzomo, V Rubin, I Ajiferuke
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS/Actes du congrès annuel de l'ACSI, 2012
Advocacy in Everyday Life: The Role of Information Literacy Skills
P Nzomo, P Fehrmann
The Sixth European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), 77, 0
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Articles 1–10