Alex H L Wan
Alex H L Wan
School of Natural Science, University of Galway
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Macroalgae as a sustainable aquafeed ingredient
AHL Wan, SJ Davies, A Soler‐Vila, R Fitzgerald, MP Johnson
Reviews in Aquaculture 11 (3), 458-492, 2019
Vibrio and major commercially important vibriosis diseases in decapod crustaceans
C de Souza Valente, AHL Wan
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 181, 107527, 2021
Replacing fishmeal with plant protein in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) diets by supplementation with fish protein hydrolysate
S Egerton, A Wan, K Murphy, F Collins, G Ahern, I Sugrue, K Busca, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 4194, 2020
A circular economy framework for seafood waste valorisation to meet challenges and opportunities for intensive production and sustainability
R Cooney, DB de Sousa, A Fernández-Ríos, S Mellett, N Rowan, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 392, 136283, 2023
Towards achieving circularity and sustainability in feeds for farmed blue foods
SM Colombo, K Roy, J Mraz, AHL Wan, SJ Davies, SM Tibbetts, ...
Reviews in Aquaculture 15 (3), 1115-1141, 2023
Assessment and Characterisation of Ireland's Green Tides (Ulva Species)
AHL Wan, RJ Wilkes, S Heesch, R Bermejo, MP Johnson, L Morrison
PLoS One 12 (1), e0169049, 2017
Metal content of kelp (Laminaria digitata) co-cultivated with Atlantic salmon in an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture system
JJ Ratcliff, AHL Wan, MD Edwards, A Soler-Vila, MP Johnson, MH Abreu, ...
Aquaculture 450, 234-243, 2016
The inclusion of Palmaria palmata macroalgae in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) diets: effects on growth, haematology, immunity and liver function
AHL Wan, A Soler-Vila, D O’Keeffe, P Casburn, R Fitzgerald, MP Johnson
Journal of Applied Phycology 28, 3091-3100, 2016
Know your fish: A novel compound-specific isotope approach for tracing wild and farmed salmon
YV Wang, AHL Wan, EJ Lock, N Andersen, C Winter-Schuh, T Larsen
Food Chemistry 256, 380-389, 2018
The utilisation of European processed animal proteins as safe, sustainable and circular ingredients for global aquafeeds
SL Woodgate, AHL Wan, F Hartnett, RG Wilkinson, SJ Davies
Reviews in Aquaculture 14 (3), 1572-1596, 2022
The potential of a solid-state fermentation supplement to augment white lupin (Lupinus albus) meal incorporation in diets for farmed common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
A Anwar, AHL Wan, S Omar, E El-Haroun, SJ Davies
Aquaculture Reports 17, 100348, 2020
Biofloc technology as part of a sustainable aquaculture system: A review on the status and innovations for its expansion
S McCusker, MB Warberg, SJ Davies, CS Valente, MP Johnson, ...
Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 3 (4), 331-352, 2023
Temporal changes in the gut microbiota in farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) outweigh the response to diet supplementation with macroalgae
C Keating, M Bolton-Warberg, J Hinchcliffe, R Davies, S Whelan, ...
Animal Microbiome 3, 1-21, 2021
From waste to feed: Dietary utilisation of bacterial protein from fermentation of agricultural wastes in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) production and health
AA Adeoye, Y Akegbejo-Samsons, FJ Fawole, PO Olatunji, N Muller, ...
Aquaculture 531, 735850, 2021
Macroalgae fact-sheets
M Edwards, D Hanniffy, S Heesch, J Hernandez-Kantun, B Queguineur, ...
NUI: Galway, Ireland, 2014
Inclusion of Palmaria palmata (red seaweed) in Atlantic salmon diets: effects on the quality, shelf‐life parameters and sensory properties of fresh and cooked salmon fillets
NC Moroney, AHL Wan, A Soler‐Vila, RD FitzGerald, MP Johnson, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95 (5), 897-905, 2015
13C values of glycolytic amino acids as indicators of carbohydrate utilization in carnivorous fish
TL Yiming V. Wang, Alex H.L. Wan, Åshild Krogdahl, Mark Johnson
PeerJ 7, e770, 2019
Influence of Green Seaweed (Ulva rigida) Supplementation on the Quality and Shelf Life of Atlantic Salmon Fillets
NC Moroney, AHL Wan, A Soler-Vila, MN O’Grady, RD FitzGerald, ...
Journal of aquatic food product technology 26 (10), 1175-1188, 2017
Dietary supplementation of autolysed yeast enhances growth, liver functionality and intestinal morphology in African catfish
AA Adeoye, SO Obasa, FJ Fawole, AHL Wan, SJ Davies
Aquaculture Nutrition 26 (3), 772-780, 2020
Busca, K.; Egan, F.; Muller, N.; Whooley, J. Replacing fishmeal with plant protein in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) diets by supplementation with fish protein hydrolysate
S Egerton, A Wan, K Murphy, F Collins, G Ahern, I Sugrue
Sci. Rep 10, 1-16, 2020
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