Erik Schiefer
Erik Schiefer
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Contribution of Alaskan glaciers to sea-level rise derived from satellite imagery
E Berthier, E Schiefer, GKC Clarke, B Menounos, F Rémy
Nature Geoscience 3 (2), 92-95, 2010
Recent volume loss of British Columbian glaciers, Canada
E Schiefer, B Menounos, R Wheate
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (16), 2007
Reconstructing morphometric change in a proglacial landscape using historical aerial photography and automated DEM generation
E Schiefer, R Gilbert
Geomorphology 88 (1-2), 167-178, 2007
Physiographically controlled allometry of specific sediment yield in the Canadian Cordillera: A lake sediment‐based approach
E Schiefer, O Slaymaker, B Klinkenberg
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 83 (1‐2), 55-65, 2001
An inventory and morphometric analysis of British Columbia glaciers, Canada
E Schiefer, B Menounos, R Wheate
Journal of Glaciology 54 (186), 551-560, 2008
Land use and climate change impacts on lake sedimentation rates in western Canada
E Schiefer, EL Petticrew, R Immell, MA Hassan, DL Sonderegger
Anthropocene 3, 61-71, 2013
Extreme sediment delivery events recorded in the contemporary sediment record of a montane lake, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia
E Schiefer, B Menounos, O Slaymaker
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 43 (12), 1777-1790, 2006
Interdecadal patterns of total sediment yield from a montane catchment, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
E Schiefer, MA Hassan, B Menounos, CP Pelpola, O Slaymaker
Geomorphology 118 (1-2), 207-212, 2010
Proglacial sediment trapping in recently formed Silt Lake, upper Lillooet Valley, Coast Mountains, British Columbia
E Schiefer, R Gilbert
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
A lake sediment-based proxy of floods in the Rocky Mountain Front Ranges, Canada
E Schiefer, R Gilbert, MA Hassan
Journal of Paleolimnology 45, 137-149, 2011
Using matching methods to estimate impacts of wildfire and postwildfire flooding on house prices
JM Mueller, RE Lima, AE Springer, E Schiefer
Water Resources Research 54 (9), 6189-6201, 2018
Contribution of Alaskan glaciers to sea-level rise derived from satellite imagery, Nat. Geosci., 3, 92–95
E Berthier, E Schiefer, GKC Clarke, B Menounos, F Rémy
The distribution and morphometry of lakes and reservoirs in British Columbia: a provincial inventory
E Schiefer, B Klinkenberg
Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien 48 (3), 345-355, 2004
Contemporary sedimentation rates and depositional structures in a montane lake basin, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
E Schiefer
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2006
Depositional regimes and areal continuity of sedimentation in a montane lake basin, British Columbia, Canada
E Schiefer
Journal of Paleolimnology 35, 617-628, 2006
The Bear Brook Watershed manipulation project: watershed science in a policy perspective
MR Church
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 55, 1-5, 1999
Nested temporal suspended sediment yields, green lake basin, British Columbia, Canada
B Menounos, E Schiefer, O Slaymaker
Geomorphology 79 (1-2), 114-129, 2006
Fluvial suspended sediment yields over hours to millennia in the High Arctic at proglacial Lake Linnévatnet, Svalbard
E Schiefer, D Kaufman, N McKay, M Retelle, A Werner, S Roof
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (2), 482-498, 2018
Predicting sediment physical properties within a montane lake basin, southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
E Schiefer
Lake and Reservoir Management 22 (1), 69-78, 2006
Detecting fire-caused forest loss in a Moroccan protected area
I Castro, AB Stan, L Taiqui, E Schiefer, A Ghallab, M Derak, PZ Fulé
Fire 5 (2), 51, 2022
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Articles 1–20