Jason D. Demers
Jason D. Demers
Affiliate Research Associate Professor, Earth Systems Research Center, Univ. of New Hampshire
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Mercury isotopes in a forested ecosystem: Implications for air‐surface exchange dynamics and the global mercury cycle
JD Demers, JD Blum, DR Zak
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27 (1), 222-238, 2013
Snow depth manipulation and its influence on soil frost and water dynamics in a northern hardwood forest
JP Hardy, PM Groffman, RD Fitzhugh, KS Henry, AT Welman, JD Demers, ...
Biogeochemistry 56, 151-174, 2001
Mercury cycling in litter and soil in different forest types in the Adirondack region, New York, USA
JD Demers, CT Driscoll, TJ Fahey, JB Yavitt
Ecological Applications 17 (5), 1341-1351, 2007
Investigation of local mercury deposition from a coal-fired power plant using mercury isotopes
LS Sherman, JD Blum, GJ Keeler, JD Demers, JT Dvonch
Environmental Science & Technology 46 (1), 382-390, 2012
Mercury stable isotope fractionation during abiotic dark oxidation in the presence of thiols and natural organic matter
W Zheng, JD Demers, X Lu, BA Bergquist, AD Anbar, JD Blum, B Gu
Environmental science & technology 53 (4), 1853-1862, 2018
Coupling atmospheric mercury isotope ratios and meteorology to identify sources of mercury impacting a coastal urban‐industrial region near Pensacola, Florida, USA
JD Demers, LS Sherman, JD Blum, FJ Marsik, JT Dvonch
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (10), 1689-1705, 2015
Identification of multiple mercury sources to stream sediments near Oak Ridge, TN, USA
PM Donovan, JD Blum, JD Demers, B Gu, SC Brooks, J Peryam
Environmental science & technology 48 (7), 3666-3674, 2014
Mercury mobilization and episodic stream acidification during snowmelt: Role of hydrologic flow paths, source areas, and supply of dissolved organic carbon
JD Demers, CT Driscoll, JB Shanley
Water Resources Research 46 (1), 2010
Deposition of mercury in forests across a montane elevation gradient: elevational and seasonal patterns in methylmercury inputs and production
JR Gerson, CT Driscoll, JD Demers, AK Sauer, BD Blackwell, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 (8), 1922-1939, 2017
Legacy mercury and stoichiometry with C, N, and S in soil, pore water, and stream water across the upland‐wetland interface: The influence of hydrogeologic setting
JD Demers, JB Yavitt, CT Driscoll, MR Montesdeoca
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118 (2), 825-841, 2013
Mercury concentration and isotopic composition of epiphytic tree lichens in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
JD Blum, MW Johnson, JD Gleason, JD Demers, MS Landis, S Krupa
Developments in environmental science 11, 373-390, 2012
Hg isotopes reveal in-stream processing and legacy inputs in East Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
JD Demers, JD Blum, SC Brooks, PM Donovan, AL Riscassi, CL Miller, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 20 (4), 686-707, 2018
Isotopic Characterization of Mercury Downstream of Historic Industrial Contamination in the South River, Virginia
SJ Washburn, JD Blum, J Demers, AY Kurz, RC Landis
Environmental Science & Technology, 2017
Mercury Accumulation in Tree Rings: Observed Trends in Quantity and Isotopic Composition in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia
TM Scanlon, AL Riscassi, JD Demers, TD Camper, TR Lee, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2019JG005445, 2020
Contrasting tree ring Hg records in two conifer species: Multi-site evidence of species-specific radial translocation effects in Scots pine versus European larch
T Nováková, T Navrátil, JD Demers, M Roll, J Rohovec
Science of the Total Environment,, 2020
Approaches for analyzing local carbon mitigation strategies: Tompkins County, New York, USA
TM Vadas, TJ Fahey, RE Sherman, JD Demers, JM Grossman, JE Maul, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 1 (3), 360-373, 2007
Use of sequential extraction and mercury stable isotope analysis to assess remobilization of sediment-bound legacy mercury
ER Crowther, JD Demers, JD Blum, SC Brooks, MW Johnson
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 23 (5), 756-775, 2021
Substrate type and the distribution of sugar maple at its elevational limit in the White Mountains, New Hampshire
JD Demers, TD Lee, JP Barrett
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28 (3), 494-498, 1998
Coupling of nitric acid digestion and anion-exchange resin separation for the determination of methylmercury isotopic composition within organisms
ER Crowther, JD Demers, JD Blum, SC Brooks, MW Johnson
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 415 (5), 759-774, 2023
Soil atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane
P Groffman
Environmental Data Initiative, 2018
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Articles 1–20