Junior A. Tremblay
Junior A. Tremblay
Environment and Climate Change Canada
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Estimating updraft velocity components over large spatial scales: contrasting migration strategies of golden eagles and turkey vultures
G Bohrer, D Brandes, JT Mandel, KL Bildstein, TA Miller, M Lanzone, ...
Ecology letters 15 (2), 96-103, 2012
Topography drives migratory flight altitude of golden eagles: implications for on‐shore wind energy development
TE Katzner, D Brandes, T Miller, M Lanzone, C Maisonneuve, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (5), 1178-1186, 2012
Testing an emerging paradigm in migration ecology shows surprising differences in efficiency between flight modes
AE Duerr, TA Miller, M Lanzone, D Brandes, J Cooper, K O'Malley, ...
PLoS One 7 (4), e35548, 2012
Flight responses by a migratory soaring raptor to changing meteorological conditions
MJ Lanzone, TA Miller, P Turk, D Brandes, C Halverson, C Maisonneuve, ...
Biology Letters 8 (5), 710-713, 2012
Status, biology, and conservation priorities for North America's eastern Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) population
T Katzner, BW Smith, TA Miller, D Brandes, J Cooper, M Lanzone, ...
The Auk 129 (1), 168-176, 2012
Assessing risk to birds from industrial wind energy development via paired resource selection models
TA Miller, RP Brooks, M Lanzone, D Brandes, J Cooper, K O'malley, ...
Conservation Biology 28 (3), 745-755, 2014
Flight response of slope‐soaring birds to seasonal variation in thermal generation
AE Duerr, TA Miller, M Lanzone, D Brandes, J Cooper, K O'Malley, ...
Functional Ecology 29 (6), 779-790, 2015
Use of multiple modes of flight subsidy by a soaring terrestrial bird, the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, when on migration
TE Katzner, PJ Turk, AE Duerr, TA Miller, MJ Lanzone, JL Cooper, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (112), 20150530, 2015
High risk of lead contamination for scavengers in an area with high moose hunting success
P Legagneux, P Suffice, JS Messier, F Lelievre, JA Tremblay, ...
PLoS One 9 (11), e111546, 2014
Projected effects of climate change on boreal bird community accentuated by anthropogenic disturbances in western boreal forest, Canada
P Cadieux, Y Boulanger, D Cyr, AR Taylor, DT Price, P Sólymos, ...
Diversity and Distributions 26 (6), 668-682, 2020
Harvesting interacts with climate change to affect future habitat quality of a focal species in eastern Canada’s boreal forest
JA Tremblay, Y Boulanger, D Cyr, AR Taylor, DT Price, MH St-Laurent
PLoS One 13 (2), e0191645, 2018
Habitat Requirements of Breeding Black-Backed Woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus) in Managed, Unburned Boreal Forest Besoins en termes d’habitat chez le Pic à dos noir (Picoides …
JA Tremblay, J Ibarzabal, C Dussault, JPL Savard
Avian Conservation and Ecology-Écologie et conservation des oiseaux 4 (1), 2, 2009
Limitations and mechanisms influencing the migratory performance of soaring birds
TA Miller, RP Brooks, MJ Lanzone, D Brandes, J Cooper, JA Tremblay, ...
Ibis 158 (1), 116-134, 2016
Comprehensive estimation of spatial and temporal migratory connectivity across the annual cycle to direct conservation efforts
EC Knight, AL Harrison, AL Scarpignato, SL Van Wilgenburg, EM Bayne, ...
Ecography 44 (5), 665-679, 2021
Structural retention requirements for a key ecosystem engineer in conifer-dominated stands of a boreal managed landscape in eastern Canada
JA Tremblay, JPL Savard, J Ibarzabal
Forest Ecology and Management 357, 220-227, 2015
Foraging ecology of black-backed woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus) in unburned eastern boreal forest stands
JA Tremblay, J Ibarzabal, JPL Savard
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (5), 991-999, 2010
A low-cost technique for radio-tracking wildlife using a small standard unmanned aerial vehicle
JA Tremblay, A Desrochers, Y Aubry, P Pace, DM Bird
Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems 5 (3), 102-108, 2017
Conservation planning for boreal birds in a changing climate: a framework for action.
D Stralberg, D Berteaux, CR Drever, M Drever, I Naujokaitis-Lewis, ...
Avian Conservation & Ecology 14 (1), 2019
Habitat loss on the breeding grounds is a major contributor to population declines in a long-distance migratory songbird
MT Hallworth, E Bayne, E McKinnon, O Love, JA Tremblay, B Drolet, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1949), 20203164, 2021
Black-backed Woodpecker (Picoides arcticus), version 1.0
JA Tremblay, RD Dixon, VA Saab, P Pyle, MA Patten
Birds of the World 1, 2020
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Articles 1–20