Stefano Secci
Stefano Secci
Cnam, Paris
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Cited by
Cited by
A vademecum on blockchain technologies: When, which, and how
M Belotti, N Božić, G Pujolle, S Secci
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (4), 3796-3838, 2019
Virtual network functions placement and routing optimization
B Addis, D Belabed, M Bouet, S Secci
2015 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 171-177, 2015
Mobile edge cloud network design optimization
A Ceselli, M Premoli, S Secci
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (3), 1818-1831, 2017
Estimating human trajectories and hotspots through mobile phone data
S Hoteit, S Secci, S Sobolevsky, C Ratti, G Pujolle
Computer Networks 64, 296-307, 2014
Multipath transmission for the internet: A survey
M Li, A Lukyanenko, Z Ou, A Ylä-Jääski, S Tarkoma, M Coudron, S Secci
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (4), 2887-2925, 2016
A survey of strategies for communication networks to protect against large-scale natural disasters
T Gomes, J Tapolcai, C Esposito, D Hutchison, F Kuipers, J Rak, ...
2016 8th international workshop on resilient networks design and modeling …, 2016
ULOOF: A user level online offloading framework for mobile edge computing
JLD Neto, SY Yu, DF Macedo, JMS Nogueira, R Langar, S Secci
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (11), 2660-2674, 2018
A tutorial on blockchain and applications to secure network control-planes
N Bozic, G Pujolle, S Secci
2016 3rd Smart Cloud Networks & Systems (SCNS), 1-8, 2016
Multi-resource allocation for network slicing
F Fossati, S Moretti, P Perny, S Secci
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 28 (3), 1311-1324, 2020
Cloudlet network design optimization
A Ceselli, M Premoli, S Secci
2015 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), 1-9, 2015
A service plane over the PCE architecture for automatic multidomain connection-oriented services
R Douville, J Rougier, S Secci
IEEE Communications Magazine 46 (6), 94-102, 2008
Detection of zero-day attacks: An unsupervised port-based approach
A Blaise, M Bouet, V Conan, S Secci
Computer Networks 180, 107391, 2020
Cloud-based computation offloading for mobile devices: State of the art, challenges and opportunities
L Jiao, R Friedman, X Fu, S Secci, Z Smoreda, H Tschofenig
2013 Future Network & Mobile Summit, 1-11, 2013
Network design requirements for disaster resilience in IaaS clouds
RS Couto, S Secci, MEM Campista, LHMK Costa
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (10), 52-58, 2014
Optimal orchestration of virtual network functions
M Gao, B Addis, M Bouet, S Secci
Computer Networks 142, 108-127, 2018
Linking virtual machine mobility to user mobility
S Secci, P Raad, P Gallard
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 13 (4), 927-940, 2016
Securing virtual machine orchestration with blockchains
N Bozic, G Pujolle, S Secci
2017 1st cyber security in networking conference (CSNet), 1-8, 2017
An operations research game approach for resource and power allocation in cooperative femtocell networks
R Langar, S Secci, R Boutaba, G Pujolle
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 14 (4), 675-687, 2014
Achieving sub-second downtimes in large-scale virtual machine migrations with LISP
P Raad, S Secci, DC Phung, A Cianfrani, P Gallard, G Pujolle
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 11 (2), 133-143, 2014
Reliability and survivability analysis of data center network topologies
RDS Couto, S Secci, MEM Campista, LHMK Costa
Journal of Network and Systems Management 24, 346-392, 2016
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Articles 1–20