Philipp M. Lersch
Philipp M. Lersch
Other namesPhilipp Lersch, Philipp Martin Lersch
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Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem, J Adriaans, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203150119, 2022
Employment insecurity and first-time homeownership: Evidence from twenty-two European countries
PM Lersch, C Dewilde
Environment and Planning A 47 (3), 607-624, 2015
Intergenerational transmission of homeownership in Europe: Revisiting the socialisation hypothesis
PM Lersch, R Luijkx
Social science research 49, 327-342, 2015
The distribution of housing wealth in 16 European countries: Accounting for institutional differences
B Wind, P Lersch, C Dewilde
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 32, 625-647, 2017
The marriage wealth premium revisited: Gender disparities and within-individual changes in personal wealth in Germany
PM Lersch
Demography 54 (3), 961-983, 2017
Family formation, parental background and young adults’ first entry into homeownership in Britain and Germany
S Bayrakdar, R Coulter, P Lersch, S Vidal
Housing Studies 34 (6), 974-996, 2019
Falling out of love and down the housing ladder: A longitudinal analysis of marital separation and home ownership
PM Lersch, S Vidal
European sociological review 30 (4), 512-524, 2014
Place Stratification or Spatial Assimilation? Neighbourhood Quality Changes after Residential Mobility for Migrants in Germany
PM Lersch
Urban Studies 50 (5), 1011–1029, 2013
Homeownership, saving and financial wealth: A comparative and longitudinal analysis
PM Lersch, C Dewilde
Housing Studies 33 (8), 1175-1206, 2018
Family migration and subsequent employment: The effect of gender ideology
PM Lersch
Journal of Marriage and Family 78 (1), 230-245, 2016
Parenthood, gender, and personal wealth
PM Lersch, M Jacob, K Hank
European Sociological Review 33 (3), 410-422, 2017
Family migration in a cross-national perspective: The importance of within-couple employment arrangements in Australia, Britain, Germany, and Sweden
S Vidal, F Perales, PM Lersch, M Brandén
Demographic Research 36, 307-338, 2017
Cohort changes in the level and dispersion of gender ideology after German reunification: Results from a natural experiment
C Ebner, M Kühhirt, P Lersch
European Sociological Review 36 (5), 814-828, 2020
Birth cohort, ageing and gender ideology: Lessons from British panel data
F Perales, PM Lersch, J Baxter
Social Science Research 79, 85-100, 2019
Residential relocations and their consequences: Life course effects in England and Germany
PM Lersch
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
The accumulation of wealth in marriage: Over-time change and within-couple inequalities
N Kapelle, PM Lersch
European Sociological Review 36 (4), 580-593, 2020
Gender and changes in household wealth after the dissolution of marriage and cohabitation in Germany
D Boertien, PM Lersch
Journal of Marriage and Family 83 (1), 228-242, 2021
Individual wealth and subjective financial well‐being in marriage: Resource integration or separation?
PM Lersch
Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (5), 1211-1223, 2017
Change in personal culture over the life course
PM Lersch
American Sociological Review 88 (2), 220-251, 2023
The variability of occupational attainment: How prestige trajectories diversified within birth cohorts over the twentieth century
PM Lersch, W Schulz, G Leckie
American Sociological Review 85 (6), 1084-1116, 2020
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Articles 1–20