Andrew P Costa
Andrew P Costa
Associate Professor; Canada Research Chair | McMaster University
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For-profit long-term care homes and the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks and resident deaths
NM Stall, A Jones, KA Brown, PA Rochon, AP Costa
Cmaj 192 (33), E946-E955, 2020
Association between nursing home crowding and COVID-19 infection and mortality in Ontario, Canada
KA Brown, A Jones, N Daneman, AK Chan, KL Schwartz, GE Garber, ...
JAMA internal medicine 181 (2), 229-236, 2021
Effectiveness of a fourth dose of covid-19 mRNA vaccine against the omicron variant among long term care residents in Ontario, Canada: test negative design study
R Grewal, SA Kitchen, L Nguyen, SA Buchan, SE Wilson, AP Costa, ...
Bmj 378, 2022
Screening for frailty in primary care: accuracy of gait speed and hand-grip strength
L Lee, T Patel, A Costa, E Bryce, LM Hillier, K Slonim, SW Hunter, ...
Canadian Family Physician 63 (1), e51-e57, 2017
Acute care inpatients with long-term delayed-discharge: evidence from a Canadian health region
AP Costa, JW Poss, T Peirce, JP Hirdes
BMC health services research 12, 1-10, 2012
Profiles of older patients in the emergency department: findings from the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study
LC Gray, NM Peel, AP Costa, E Burkett, AB Dey, PV Jonsson, P Lakhan, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 62 (5), 467-474, 2013
Community paramedicine: a systematic review of program descriptions and training
J Chan, LE Griffith, AP Costa, MS Leyenaar, G Agarwal
Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine 21 (6), 749-761, 2019
The associations between staffing hours and quality of care indicators in long-term care
VM Boscart, S Sidani, J Poss, M Davey, J d’Avernas, P Brown, ...
BMC Health Services Research 18, 1-7, 2018
Clinical characteristics and service needs of alternate-level-of-care patients waiting for long-term care in Ontario hospitals
AP Costa, JP Hirdes
Healthcare Policy 6 (1), 32, 2010
Geriatric syndromes predict postdischarge outcomes among older emergency department patients: findings from the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study
AP Costa, JP Hirdes, GA Heckman, AB Dey, PV Jonsson, P Lakhan, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 21 (4), 422-433, 2014
Identifying frailty in primary care: a systematic review
L Lee, T Patel, LM Hillier, N Maulkhan, K Slonim, A Costa
Geriatrics & gerontology international 17 (10), 1358-1377, 2017
Identification of older adults with frailty in the emergency department using a frailty index: results from a multinational study
AA Brousseau, E Dent, R Hubbard, D Melady, M Émond, É Mercier, ...
Age and Ageing 47 (2), 242-248, 2018
Perspective: Big data and machine learning could help advance nutritional epidemiology
JD Morgenstern, LC Rosella, AP Costa, RJ de Souza, LN Anderson
Advances in Nutrition 12 (3), 621-631, 2021
Health promotion through sport: international sport federations’ priorities, actions and opportunities
M Mountjoy, A Costa, R Budgett, J Dvorak, L Engebretsen, S Miller, ...
British Journal of Sports Medicine 52 (1), 54-60, 2018
Aging in Ontario: an ICES chartbook of health service use by older adults
SE Bronskill, MW Carter, AP Costa, AV Esensoy, SS Gill, A Gruneir, ...
Toronto, ON: Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, 2010
Assessment of psychotropic drug prescribing among nursing home residents in Ontario, Canada, during the COVID-19 pandemic
NM Stall, JS Zipursky, J Rangrej, A Jones, AP Costa, MP Hillmer, K Brown
JAMA internal medicine 181 (6), 861-863, 2021
Electronic referral systems in health care: a scoping review
A Azamar-Alonso, AP Costa, LA Huebner, JE Tarride
ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 325-333, 2019
This moral coil: a cross-sectional survey of Canadian medical student attitudes toward medical assistance in dying
EX Bator, B Philpott, AP Costa
BMC medical ethics 18, 1-7, 2017
Elder abuse in the out-of-hospital and emergency department settings: a scoping review
É Mercier, A Nadeau, AA Brousseau, M Émond, J Lowthian, S Berthelot, ...
Annals of emergency medicine 75 (2), 181-191, 2020
COVID‐19 and Ontario's long‐term care homes
NM Stall, KA Brown, A Maltsev, A Jones, AP Costa, V Allen, AD Brown, ...
Journal of Elder Policy 1 (3), 65-110, 2021
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