Ertugrul Taciroglu
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Cited by
Interpretable XGBoost-SHAP machine-learning model for shear strength prediction of squat RC walls
DC Feng, WJ Wang, S Mangalathu, E Taciroglu
Journal of Structural Engineering 147 (11), 04021173, 2021
An assessment to benchmark the seismic performance of a code-conforming reinforced concrete moment-frame building
CB Haselton, CA Goulet, J Mitrani-Reiser, JL Beck, GG Deierlein, ...
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 2008
Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete bridges with skew-angled seat-type abutments
P Kaviani, F Zareian, E Taciroglu
Engineering Structures 45, 137-150, 2012
Much ado about shear correction factors in Timoshenko beam theory
SB Dong, C Alpdogan, E Taciroglu
International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (13), 1651-1665, 2010
Validated simulation models for lateral response of bridge abutments with typical backfills
A Shamsabadi, P Khalili-Tehrani, JP Stewart, E Taciroglu
Journal of Bridge Engineering 15 (3), 302-311, 2010
Real‐time regional seismic damage assessment framework based on long short‐term memory neural network
Y Xu, X Lu, B Cetiner, E Taciroglu
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (4), 504-521, 2021
A deep learning approach to rapid regional post‐event seismic damage assessment using time‐frequency distributions of ground motions
X Lu, Y Xu, Y Tian, B Cetiner, E Taciroglu
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 50 (6), 1612-1627, 2021
Data-driven approach to predict the plastic hinge length of reinforced concrete columns and its application
DC Feng, B Cetiner, MR Azadi Kakavand, E Taciroglu
Journal of Structural Engineering 147 (2), 04020332, 2021
Response‐only modal identification of structures using strong motion data
SF Ghahari, F Abazarsa, MA Ghannad, E Taciroglu
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 42 (8), 1221-1242, 2013
Response‐only modal identification of structures using limited sensors
F Abazarsa, SF Ghahari, F Nateghi, E Taciroglu
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 20 (6), 987-1006, 2013
Seismic structural health monitoring: from theory to successful applications
MP Limongelli, M Çelebi
Springer, 2019
Machine learning-based regional scale intelligent modeling of building information for natural hazard risk management
C Wang, Q Yu, KH Law, F McKenna, XY Stella, E Taciroglu, A Zsarnóczay, ...
Automation in Construction 122, 103474, 2021
Parameter identification of framed structures using an improved finite element model‐updating method—Part I: formulation and verification
E Yu, E Taciroglu, JW Wallace
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 36 (5), 619-639, 2007
Performance-based seismic assessment of skewed bridges
P Kaviani, F Zareian, E Taciroglu
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, 2014
A robust macroelement model for soil–pile interaction under cyclic loads
E Taciroglu, CS Rha, JW Wallace
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 132 (10), 1304-1314, 2006
Identification of a scatterer embedded in elastic heterogeneous media using dynamic XFEM
J Jung, C Jeong, E Taciroglu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 259, 50-63, 2013
An ABAQUS toolbox for soil-structure interaction analysis
W Zhang, EE Seylabi, E Taciroglu
Computers and Geotechnics 114, 103143, 2019
Analysis and implementation of resilient modulus models for granular solids
KD Hjelmstad, E Taciroglu
Journal of engineering mechanics 126 (8), 821-830, 2000
Ambient and forced vibration testing of a reinforced concrete building before and after its seismic retrofitting
S Soyoz, E Taciroglu, K Orakcal, R Nigbor, D Skolnik, H Lus, E Safak
Journal of Structural Engineering 139 (10), 1741-1752, 2013
A generalized log-spiral-Rankine limit equilibrium model for seismic earth pressure analysis
A Shamsabadi, SY Xu, E Taciroglu
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 49, 197-209, 2013
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Articles 1–20