Matthew Sterling Benson
Cited by
Cited by
Tax Revenue Mobilization in Conflict-Affected Developing Countries
N van den Boogaard, V., Prichard, W., Benson, MS, Milicic
Journal of International Development, 345-364, 2018
Tax Revenue Mobilization in Conflict-Affected Developing Countries
N van den Boogaard, V., Prichard, W., Benson, MS, Milicic
United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research …, 2016
Service Delivery and State Capacity: Findings from the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium
L Denney, R Mallett, M Benson, 2017
Beyond Borders: The End of the Mano River War(s)?
J Allouche, M Benson, F M'Cormack
Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex, 2016
South Sudan: The Politics of Delay
A de Waal, A Boswell, D Deng, R Ibreck, M Benson, J Pospisil
Conflict Research Programme and Political Settlements Research Programme Memo 3, 2019
Evidence from the Conflict Research Programme: submission to the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy
M Kaldor, H Radice, A De Waal, M Benson, S Detzner, C Elder, ...
Conflict Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2020
South Sudan: Making Tax Work
M Benson …, 2011
COVID-19 rumours as transcripts of resistance in South Sudan
M Benson
Conflict Research Programme Blog, 2020
Taxation, local government and social control in Sudan and South Sudan, 1899-1956
MS Benson
Durham University, 2019
Of rule not revenue: South Sudan’s revenue complex from colonial, rebel, to independent rule, 1899 to 2023
MS Benson
Comparative Studies in Society and History, 1-27, 2024
Peer Schouten, Roadblock Politics: The Origins of Violence in Central Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (hb£ 64.99–978 1 108 49401 4; pb£ 22.99–978 1 108 71381 8 …
MS Benson
Africa 93 (3), 444-446, 2023
The Everyday Politics of Sudan’s Tax System: Identifying Prospects for Reform
M Benson, M Alneel, R Makawi
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 2023
Taxation and Civicness in South Sudan: Revenue Reforms for a More Inclusive Democracy
M Benson
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 2022
Taxation, Coercion and Civicness in South Sudan
M Benson
The Struggle for Democracy in Africa: Elections, Coups and Popular Opinion, 55, 2022
Mick Moore, Wilson Prichard and Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Taxing Africa: coercion, reform and development. London: Zed Books (hb£ 70–978 1 78360 454 8; pb£ 16.99–978 1 78360 453 1 …
MS Benson
Africa 91 (2), 342-343, 2021
The ‘real politics’ of taxation in post-revolutionary Sudan
M Benson, R Makawi
Conflict Research Management, 2021
Who is this government really?: South Sudanese perspectives on taxes and public authority
M Benson
Conflict Research Programme, 2020
Reducing Poverty Through Improved Agro-Logistics in a Fragile Country: Findings from a Trader Survey in South Sudan
U Pape, M Benson, M Ebrahim, J Lole
The World Bank, 2017
WIDER Working Paper 2016/155 Tax revenue mobilization in conflict-affected developing countries
V van den Boogaard, W Prichard, N Milicic, M Benson
UNU WIDER: United Nations University World Institute for Development …, 2016
Paying for Government and Services: 28 States and Revenue. In Aalen, L. and Schomerus, M. (eds.) Considering the State: Perspectives on South Sudan’s Sub-Division and …
MS Benson
Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), 2016
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Articles 1–20