Zainab Abaid
Zainab Abaid
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Quantifying the impact of adversarial evasion attacks on machine learning based android malware classifiers
Z Abaid, MA Kaafar, S Jha
2017 IEEE 16th international symposium on network computing and applications …, 2017
The early bird gets the botnet: A markov chain based early warning system for botnet attacks
Z Abaid, D Sarkar, MA Kaafar, S Jha
2016 IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 61-68, 2016
MalwareMonitor: An SDN-based framework for securing large networks
Z Abaid, M Rezvani, S Jha
Proceedings of the 2014 CoNEXT on Student Workshop, 40-42, 2014
SDN-inspired, real-time botnet detection and flow-blocking at ISP and enterprise-level
O Haq, Z Abaid, N Bhatti, Z Ahmed, A Syed
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 5278-5283, 2015
Health access broker: Secure, patient-controlled management of personal health records in the cloud
Z Abaid, A Shaghaghi, R Gunawardena, S Seneviratne, A Seneviratne, ...
13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for …, 2021
Diagnosing bot infections using Bayesian inference
AB Ashfaq, Z Abaid, M Ismail, MU Aslam, AA Syed, SA Khayam
Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques 14, 21-38, 2018
Feature selection based on dataset variance optimization using hybrid sine cosine–firehawk algorithm (hscfha)
SKR Moosavi, A Saadat, Z Abaid, W Ni, K Li, M Guizani
Future Generation Computer Systems 155, 272-286, 2024
Early detection of in-the-wild botnet attacks by exploiting network communication uniformity: An empirical study
Z Abaid, MA Kaafar, S Jha
2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, 1-9, 2017
System and method for botnet detection
SA Ahmed, AB Ashfaq, NR Ramay, SA Khayam, Z Abaid, MU Aslam
US Patent App. 14/076,270, 2015
Transductive Transfer Learning-Assisted Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Accurate State of Charge Estimation of Li-Ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles
SKR Moosavi, MH Zafar, A Saadat, Z Abaid, W Ni, A Jamalipour, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024
Enhanced border surveillance through a hybrid swarm optimization algorithm
M Tariq, A Saadat, R Ahmad, Z Abaid, JJPC Rodrigues
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023
The insider threat landscape and the fintech sector: Attacks, defenses, and emerging challenges
Z Abaid, A Saadat, BM Mirza
Handbook of research on cybersecurity issues and challenges for business and …, 2023
Time-sensitive prediction of malware attacks and analysis of machine-learning classifiers in adversarial settings
Z Abaid
UNSW Sydney, 2017
All infections are not created equal: Time-sensitive prediction of malware generated network attacks
Z Abaid, D Sarkar, MA Kaafar, S Jha
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01944, 2021
Cloud security in the age of adaptive adversaries: A game theoretic approach to hypervisor-based intrusion detection
A Saadat, Y Faheem, Z Abaid, MM Fraz
Journal of Systems Architecture 156, 103281, 2024
(POSTER) Health Access Broker: Securing Personal Health Records in Public Clouds
Z Abaid, A Shaghaghi, S Seneviratne, A Seneviratne, S Jha
Deakin University, 2019
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Articles 1–16