ismael Yacoub Mourifie
Cited by
Cited by
Testing local average treatment effect assumptions
I Mourifié, Y Wan
Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (2), 305-313, 2017
My friend far, far away: a random field approach to exponential random graph models
V Boucher, I Mourifié
The econometrics journal 20 (3), S14-S46, 2017
Sharp bounds and testability of a Roy model of STEM major choices
I Mourifie, M Henry, R Meango
Journal of Political Economy 128 (8), 3220-3283, 2020
Generalized instrumental inequalities: testing the instrumental variable independence assumption
D Kédagni, I Mourifié
Biometrika 107 (3), 661-675, 2020
A note on the identification in two equations probit model with dummy endogenous regressor
I Mourifié, R Méango
Economics Letters 125 (3), 360-363, 2014
The Cobb-Douglas marriage matching function: Marriage matching with peer and scale effects
I Mourifié, A Siow
Journal of Labor Economics 39 (S1), S239-S274, 2021
Euclidean revealed preferences: testing the spatial voting model
M Henry, I Mourifié
Journal of Applied Econometrics 28 (4), 650-666, 2013
Sharp bounds on treatment effects in a binary triangular system
I Mourifié
Journal of Econometrics 187 (1), 74-81, 2015
Testing identifying assumptions in fuzzy regression discontinuity designs
Y Arai, YC Hsu, T Kitagawa, I Mourifié, Y Wan
Quantitative Economics 13 (1), 1-28, 2022
Discordant relaxations of misspecified models
D Kédagni, L Li, I Mourifié
A marriage matching function with flexible spillover and substitution patterns
I Mourifié
Economic Theory 67 (2), 421-461, 2019
The Cobb Douglas marriage matching function: marriage matching with peer and scale effects
I Mourifié, A Siow
Available at SSRN 2541895, 2017
An empirical framework for matching with imperfect competition
M Chan, K Kroft, E Mattana, I Mourifié
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024
Two-way exclusion restrictions in models with heterogeneous treatment effects
S Liu, I Mourifié, Y Wan
The Econometrics Journal 23 (3), 345-362, 2020
Revealing gender-specific costs of stem in an extended roy model of major choice
M Henry, R Meango, I Mourifie
Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group Working Papers, 2020
Socio-economic impact of the coconut lethal yellowing disease on Ivorian smallholder coconut farm families
MG Adolphe, I Mourifie, JL Konan, JG Ibo, N Koulou
African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2016
Nonparametric sharp bounds for payoff functions in 2x2 games
M Henry, I Mourifie
Available at SSRN 2113838, 2012
Tightening bounds in triangular systems
D Kédagni, I Mourifié
Economics Letters 125 (3), 455-458, 2014
Causal Effects in Matching Mechanisms with Strategically Reported Preferences
M Bertanha, M Luflade, I Mourifié
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024
Evaluating the Impact of Regulatory Policies on Social Welfare in Difference-in-Difference Settings
D Ghanem, D Kédagni, I Mourifié
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.04494, 2023
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Articles 1–20